HAProxy configuration problem (GUI causing it?)
I ran into a problem with HAProxy on pfSense. This is a new installation (2.4.4p1) with a clean configuration. Current HAProxy config is as follows:
# Automaticaly generated, dont edit manually. # Generated on: 2019-01-05 10:43 global maxconn 10 stats socket /tmp/haproxy.socket level admin uid 80 gid 80 nbproc 1 hard-stop-after 15m chroot /tmp/haproxy_chroot daemon tune.ssl.default-dh-param 2048 server-state-file /tmp/haproxy_server_state userlist UsersFor_esxi user **** insecure-password **** frontend repro_8443 bind name ssl crt-list /var/etc/haproxy/repro_8443.crt_list bind name mode http log global option http-keep-alive timeout client 30000 acl esxi var(txn.txnhost) -m beg -i esxi acl syno var(txn.txnhost) -m beg -i syno acl aclcrt_repro_8443 var(txn.txnhost) -m reg -i ^([^\.]*)\.uberguru\.eu(:([0-9]){1,5})?$ http-request set-var(txn.txnhost) hdr(host) use_backend esxi_backend_ipvANY if esxi aclcrt_repro_8443 use_backend syno_backend_ipvANY if syno aclcrt_repro_8443 use_backend www_backend_ipvANY if aclcrt_repro_8443 backend esxi_backend_ipvANY mode http id 100 log global timeout connect 30000 timeout server 30000 retries 3 acl AuthOkay_esxi http_auth(UsersFor_esxi) http-request auth realm ESXi if !AuthOkay_esxi server esxi id 101 ssl verify none backend syno_backend_ipvANY mode http id 102 log global timeout connect 30000 timeout server 30000 retries 3 server syno id 101 ssl verify none backend www_backend_ipvANY mode http id 103 log global timeout connect 30000 timeout server 30000 retries 3 server www id 104 ssl verify none
The GUI shows the ACLs for the front end as follows:
Now I'd like to add a redirect from http to https. I'm looking for "Traffic is ssl" or "Traffic is http". However, the pull down initially doesn't show that option:
Please note that there is no scrollbar on the right! I checked the DOM in the browser and "Custom acl:" is indeed the final element in the <select>...</select>.
To continue, I selected "SSL Client certificate valid." and named it "https". Saved and committed, no problem.
Now, if I edit that same setting, and look at the pull down items, the check for ssl is there!?!?:
Please notice that there is a scrollbar!
If I now select that "Traffic is ssl (no value needed):" item and try to save, it fails:
This is all very confusing to me. Is there a problem with my config or is the GUI invalid? -
Replying to myself: I just did a clean install of pfSense 2.4.4p1 and tried above with the haproxy-devel package:
- Create a frontend, name it "test", save,
- Open "test", add an ACL, notice there is no "Traffic is ssl (no value needed):" option,
- Just to continue, name the ACL "https", expression="Host starts with:", value="https", save,
- Open "test" once again, edit the ACL, notice now there is the "Traffic is ssl (no value needed):" option,
- Change the expression to "Traffic is ssl (no value needed):", remove the value, save, same error. Or the ACL was completely removed.
Either something is broken or I am completely not understanding this user interface?