Grafana Dashboard using Telegraf with additional plugins
@cburbs said in Grafana Dashboard using Telegraf with additional plugins:
Did you remove the below from your Dashboard upload file? If so how do we turn it back on?
load the old JSON dashbord as new and copy that panel and paste on your new Dashboard.
@cburbs It still appears on my dashboard. I'll do another sync this weekend.
@erbalo If the question is "Why doesn't the total data transferred for the last 30 days or month not match what my ISP is showing as my total transferred for the last 30 days or month", I'm not sure. How far off are the numbers? It could either be the query and calculation happening in Grafana or a question for the broader pfSense forums.
@erbalo That worked if I copied the code from here -
I originally pulled it from here though -
Does the one at Grafana not get updated?
It would be too much of a PITA to update both. Plus GitHub is a much better place to host the project since there are multiple readmes, additional files, bugs, and merge/pull options. Formatting things in the right way isn't possible on Grafana's site.
Which is why the very first line of my Grafana post reads:
For the latest version, visit:
@VictorRobellini Totally understand and thanks for the heads up.
@bigjohns97 said in Grafana Dashboard using Telegraf with additional plugins:
Any idea why I would be getting the following when trying the option?
[inputs.exec] Error in plugin: exec: fork/exec /usr/local/bin/ no such file or directory for command '/usr/local/bin/'
I'm having the same issues, what did you do to fix this?
I am using the fastjack version from here
Thank you very much for your work.
I had to install Grafana & Influxdb on Windows 2019. :|
Everything is working fine except Active users / Uptime / Interface Summary. It says no data.
I downloaded the files directly on Pfsense.
The data is being populated on Influxdb, though I could not make the telegraf.log to work.
Any idea on what am I missing?
Thank you.
If you are seeing the "Active users / Uptime / Interface Summary" in the influx DB but not on the graph, it's possible that there's an issue with the query and I don't think the telegraf.log is going to help. It could be a result of a bad dashboard import or a newer versions of Grafana.
You will want to specifically see what gets returned by the below queries:
select * from system limit 5 select * from net limit 5
@VictorRobellini Thank you very much for the fast reply. I agree that it could be relative to a bad dashboard import.
For the uptime panel I was able to import it from another dashboard and compared to yours and it was the same but the imported one was working.
I was able to fix interface summary by importing directly from the Grafana website and copy/paste the panel.
Active users was not working either on the other dashboard I imported.
These gives data but I did not had time to format it.
select * from system limit 5
select * from net limit 5Thank you again.
@romprod said in Grafana Dashboard using Telegraf with additional plugins:
@bigjohns97 said in Grafana Dashboard using Telegraf with additional plugins:
Any idea why I would be getting the following when trying the option?
[inputs.exec] Error in plugin: exec: fork/exec /usr/local/bin/ no such file or directory for command '/usr/local/bin/'
I'm having the same issues, what did you do to fix this?
I am using the fastjack version from here
after copying the file to this folder, did you chmod +x it?
For the unbound - on telegrah - looks like does not work with the latest version of pfsense and telegrah
It used to work..
In telegraf config..
server = ""
binary = "/usr/local/bin/"Command to check:
/usr/local/bin/telegraf -config=/usr/local/etc/telegraf.conf --test --input-filter unbound
2020-11-18T00:31:41Z I! Starting Telegraf 1.13.4
2020-11-18T00:31:45Z E! [inputs.unbound] Error in plugin: error gathering metrics: error running unbound-control: Command timed out. (/usr/local/bin/ [-s stats_noreset])
2020-11-18T00:31:45Z E! [telegraf] Error running agent: One or more input plugins had an error -
Recently tried out the new version of PfBlockerNG 3.0.0_1 and was looking to test the new python integration with unbound that produces the client ip in the logs when using null blocking. (requires pfsense 2.5.x and latest version of unbound)
Wanted to confirm that not only does it work but everything still shows up in this grafana dashboard.
@erbalo I am facing this similar issue, when I see the telegraf log I have this message everywhere... Did you find any solution?
For example:
This dashboard is absolutely fantastic! it works very well.
It looks like it would have taken a lot of hard work, time and effort.
Thanks for doing this! -
Any idea how to install Telegraf on SG-3100? pFsense version 2.4.5-RELEASE-p1 (arm).
To calculate the monthly WAN download/upload, use the following query format
SELECT non_negative_difference(last("bytes_recv")) FROM "net" WHERE ("host" =~ /^$Host$/ AND "interface" =~ /^$WAN$/) AND $timeFilter GROUP BY time($__interval) fill(null)
Set Query Options / Relative Time to - 'now/M'. Leave Everything else as is in Query Options.
For Visualization use 'Stat'. Then under 'Display' select Calculations > Total
Then Goto Field from the TAB above / Units > bytes(SI)
@ab5g said in Grafana Dashboard using Telegraf with additional plugins:
To calculate the monthly WAN download/upload, use the following query format
SELECT non_negative_difference(last("bytes_recv")) FROM "net" WHERE ("host" =~ /^$Host$/ AND "interface" =~ /^$WAN$/) AND $timeFilter GROUP BY time($__interval) fill(null)
Set Query Options / Relative Time to - 'now/M'. Leave Everything else as is in Query Options.
For Visualization use 'Stat'. Then under 'Display' select Calculations > Total
Then Goto Field from the TAB above / Units > bytes(SI)
Bamm! thank you, this works now for me!!! Can someone maybe upload a fully working dashboard so we can use import in grafana? With a corected Mb/s etc..
Getting Mbps on the graph is easy.
Select the WAN Panel > Edit > Panel Settings > Axis / Left Y - Change this to bits/sec
Also change the query to add *8So your query will look like this
SELECT derivative(mean("bytes_recv"), 1s) *8 FROM "net" WHERE ("host" =~ /^$Host$/ AND "interface" =~ /^$WAN$/) AND $timeFilter GROUP BY time($__interval) fill(null)
Do the same for the LAN Panel (the first one). Then click 'LAN Interfaces' (the master container for all LAN panels - see pic) . Click Settings > Repeat for Datasouce and this Mbps setting applies to all LAN panels.
@ab5g said in Grafana Dashboard using Telegraf with additional plugins:
Getting Mbps on the graph is easy.
Select the WAN Panel > Edit > Panel Settings > Axis / Left Y - Change this to bits/sec
Also change the query to add *8So your query will look like this
SELECT derivative(mean("bytes_recv"), 1s) *8 FROM "net" WHERE ("host" =~ /^$Host$/ AND "interface" =~ /^$WAN$/) AND $timeFilter GROUP BY time($__interval) fill(null)
Do the same for the LAN Panel (the first one). Then click 'LAN Interfaces' (the master container for all LAN panels - see pic) . Click Settings > Repeat for Datasouce and this Mbps setting applies to all LAN panels.
Thank you, for th WAN it is now correct just i am seeing there Mb/s - Megabit per second.
But for the LAN i need to see MB/s = Megabyte per second. I mean i need to see the exact value such as when you copy a file from your NAS, you see there the rate MB/s.