Full-Update-1.2.3-20090618-0116 - Traffic graph broken?
Same broken traffic graph problem with embedded 1.2.3-20090618-0519 on a Soekris net5501.
Same result for: pfSense-Full-Update-1.2.3-20090619-2324
: pfSense-Full-Update-1.2.3-20090620-2136
: pfSense-Full-Update-1.2.3-20090621-0454
: pfSense-Full-Update-1.2.3-20090621-0915
: pfSense-Full-Update-1.2.3-20090621-1954
: pfSense-Full-Update-1.2.3-20090622-1853
: pfSense-Full-Update-1.2.3-20090623-2108
: pfSense-Full-Update-1.2.3-20090624-1044Note: last working build was: pfSense-Full-Update-1.2.3-20090616-0459
1.2.3-RC2 built on Sat Jun 20 21:36:14 EDT 2009 from pfSense-Full-Update-1.2.3-20090620-2136 is working for me.
1.2.3-RC2 built on Sat Jun 20 21:36:14 EDT 2009 from pfSense-Full-Update-1.2.3-20090620-2136 is working for me.
embedded ?
No, not embedded. The embedded file should be pfSense-Embedded-Update-1.2.3-20090620-2136.tgz
But I'm now already using pfSense-Full-Update-1.2.3-20090621-1954.tgz
can no longer test this problem as I gave up on 1.2.3 and reluctantly went back to m0n0wall as I could not get the firmware update function to work on my net5501 and the straw that broke the camel's back was when I disabled one of my IPsec tunnels and all 34 of them disappeared. I'm hopping they resolve this firmware update problem soon as most all my firewalls are net5501 and not matter how much I like pfsense it will be useless to me if I can't reliable update them remotely.
I really hopr the dev team will fix this page was it was before. It use to work …......
Not sure why it doesn't work for some people, but I just tried it on two 1.2.3 full installs, and:
Sun Jun 21 19:54:32 EDT 2009 - Works fine
Tue Jun 23 21:08:33 EDT 2009 - Works finePerhaps nobody has fixed it because it isn't widespread enough that anyone has noticed that it was broken.
can no longer test this problem as I gave up on 1.2.3 and reluctantly went back to m0n0wall as I could not get the firmware update function to work on my net5501 and the straw that broke the camel's back was when I disabled one of my IPsec tunnels and all 34 of them disappeared. I'm hopping they resolve this firmware update problem soon as most all my firewalls are net5501 and not matter how much I like pfsense it will be useless to me if I can't reliable update them remotely.
embedded updates have always been a problem. You need to have a lot of RAM and free disk space to download and unpack the update file. This may not be a problem in the future as the devs are trying to move things to nanobsd and slice-based updates, where you will have an active and inactive slice, one to run off of and one to upgrade with. It will take more CF space, but there is less room for failure.
Thanks for the update. My net5501 has 512MB of RAM and a 1GB CF but updates must require more. I'll definitely switch back to pfsense as soon as they get the updates working reliably. I really like all the extra features you get with pfsense and it looks to me like there is little to no m0n0wall development going on now days (that's a real shame).
Yey, graph is back. Is working like it use to now in build: pfSense-Full-Update-1.2.3-20090627-0622
… but, the new pfSense_ng theme does´n work well with IE7. Menu line no showing at all in IE. I had to log in with Firefox and set theme back to default pfSense nervcenter again. Anyway, thanks for the graph fix ;)
Just checked the new theme with FFX and IE8 (don't have an IE7 around anymore). It is working well with both browsere.
Since it seems to be a Microsoft issue with IE7 only I wouldn't want to spend time fixing it. I'd prefer to upgrade the browse -if possible- or use an alternative. -
Well this is not an complain, this is a report back to dev. Dont get me wrong, i also love the new theme putting on pfSense. It look reallt nice. The fact still is that is not running with IE7, and IE7 is still the default standard browser that comes with default newer version of Windows.
Not all like IE8 that much. Thare are people that still uses IE7.
This note was pointed to dev to perhaps make it compatible with all browzer before final. In either case pfSense itself is still GREAT :-\
Why are you running IE7? IE8 is a critical update. It's time to move on ppl, IE7 is horrible.
FireFox works pefectly, too.
IE7 is in many ways as horrible as IE6. You'll find pages that look completely different in IE7 and IE8, in fact one of our customers has a page that only works in IE6 and IE7 correct and in NO other browser, not even in IE8. IE8 behaves exactly like FF, Opera, Safari,… so the solution to the problem is either Update IE7 to 8 or use another browser or use another theme. Honestly, IE6/7 doesn't understand lots of css, has issues with alphablending and pngs or just doesn't follow webstandards.
OOps, didn't want to stirr up the soup.
Sometimes a company policy keeps you from upgrading. There are some web apps out there that need IE6/7 to work correctly…
It doesn't make it any better but unfortunately it's still a real life/office scenario for some.