SquidGuard rewrite rule bug?
So, SquidGuard - Rewrites
If we create a new rewrite rule, add 1 rewrite condition and save it, Apply, it works fine, we can also check SquidGuard - Log - Filter config, we can see the rewrite rule we have created.However, if we add more conditions in the same rewrite rule, and if we go to SquidGuard - Log - Filter config and check again, there will always be only 1 condition under the rule which we have defined.
Instead of
rew app_p {
log block.log
}We only get
rew app_p {
log block.log
rew app_p {
log block.log
}No matter hoe many conditions we add to the rule, there will only be one condition show here, which eventually effects how the condition works, because all other conditions defined in the rule are ignored, only the shown one will work.
Will someone be able to fix this bug?
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This workaround works, have to use it before this bugs gets fixed I guess.