Gateway offline, Packetloss
@stephenw10 Also now on the ARP Table it says WAN-Gateway- Expires in 651 Seconds.
Sure you can upload it to me here: odd happening there though if the gateway did respond to ARP and then stopped.
You might try swapping the WAN and LAN assignments just in case it's something the Realtek NIC is doing. Though they are both Realtek.
@stephenw10 Sure, I will try to swap them. Also i shared the file on the link.
I'm curious, if you reboot pfSense, does it then come up or does it stay down?
@ashishgupta09229 It is still down, even after rebooting and reseting the router. Everything is working from the ISP side as i checked it with my PC manually inserting the IPv4 on the ethernet adapter.
Hmm, so it looks like the gateway just stops responding. It's not disconnected since we can still see it's broadcast ARPs for other IPs, it ust stops replying to pings.
For example in that pcap it responds in packet 5038 and then stops. During that time all other traffic pfSense also fails to get a reply so it's not just the gateway itself refusing pings.
It remains non-responsive until pfSense ARPs for the gateway in packet 8598. Then it responds to the ARP and then starts responding to pings and other traffic.
Before that it inially starts repsonding the previous time pfSense ARPs for it in packet 3237
The gap between those is ~20mins which is what you would expect for an ARP expiry.So this appears to be an ARP issue. The gateway loses the pfSense WAN IP from it's ARP table until pfSense sends a query. But we never see the gateway ARP for the pfSense WAN IP itself. That implies there may be an IP conflict. Two devices using that IP.
However that would apply to any device you connected there not just pfSense. When you connect the other router does it work continually for, say, 30mins?Steve
@stephenw10 I just checked, its not giving any problem with the other ISP. Just giving issues on the static IP gateway.
As soon as I deactivate and reactivate Dpinger the gateway monitor service, it works but then goes down in 15 secs, showing offline and packetloss.
If you remove the arp entry for the gateway in pfSense that will trigger it to send a new ARP query.
If that then starts the gateway responding that would confirm it.The other thing you could try is setting some other IP in that subnet and then trying to ping for your assigned WAN IP. That will cause pfSense to ARP for it and if something else responds that would confirm a conflict. Though as I say that would affect any client using it.
I think that there are multiple ways to ^correct^ the issue. But the only correct way is that the ^pfSense^ software itself, works correctly and solves the problem.
There's no IPv6 in this connection. What makes you think pfSense is doing anything incorrectly here?
@stephenw10 I don't know Gateway monitor is conflicting i guess, thats why i think something is wrong with the pfsense. Cause i stoped the dpinger service and restarted it, the gateway showed online then went offline.
It's possible the gateway is blocking because of the monitoring pings. I wouldn't expect that to immediately restart though. Also you tried setting the monitor IP to something external, which would prevent that, and it didn't help.
Try deleting the ARP entry and see if that restores the connection temporarily. -
@stephenw10 Saying that because i tired to stop and start the gateway service and it started working but then went offline sir.
I will try to do that, change the gateway monitor, also try to delete the ARP table. -
I thought you had already tried setting a different monitoring IP? That was the first thing I suggested. But that can trigger blocking in some gateways so is definitely worth trying. It's also something that is different to other routers or a client connected directly.
@stephenw10 That time it didn’t work because ISP also had something messed up i think, so they re configured it from their side yesterday. I just change the Monitoring IP to the routers local IP. And the gateway is showing ONLINE without any loss.
This post is deleted! -
What do mean by 'the routers local IP'? By default it monitors the gateway IP which will be the ISPs gateway, the 122.x.x.1 address.
Since that may be objecting you can either set it to something external like or disable gateway monitoring.I don't actually think that's the issue since sending an ARP query would not clear that block if it were.