GUI - DHCPv6 Leases - Missing Data & Inaccurate Status (v23.05.1)
Netgate 6100 | v23.05.1 | Safari & Brave (latest)
The GUI display for DHCPv6 is missing a lot of data. Typical only 1 or 2 leases display the correct IAID, MAC and Online status; no devices display their Hostname.
Presumably this is a bug as it is currently impossible to check details without diving into the CLI - can this be patched or fixed?
Do Windows users have the same issue?
What you see is normal/expected for how DHCP works with IPv6.
Not all devices send an IAID. It's only shown if the lease has one recorded.
DHCPv6 leases are handed out by DUID and IAID, not by MAC address, so lease data does not contain the MAC address.
MAC address and hostname are picked up from NDP data if the devices are active on the network (passing traffic to or through the firewall), so the fact that it's empty while also showing "idle/offline" is exactly as expected.
Hostnames can also be empty if they are undefined/unknown for other various reasons, but are always shown for static mapping entries if they are present.
Almost all of the clients are (heavily) active during the screenshot. NDP does indeed have the MAC addresses and all the devices have associated hostnames.I can get all the correct details from the CLI and there is nothing amiss with IPv6, NDP, dhcpd.leases or dhcpd6.leases (or with IPv4 either). With the CLI I can see that everything is working as normal/expected - not so with the GUI Status display.
It's only the sparsely populated and incorrect status listed in the GUI that I am raising. Underneath the GUI everything is working just fine.