Squid need help on script to auto add urls to whitelist when there is an ssl error
Hi all, what I am trying to do it auto add urls/domains which have ssl errors to a whitelist file instead of doing it manually. The goal is to have all sites be bumped by default except whitelist urls and urls which have returned an ssl errors (which cannot be proxied and need to be whitelisted). By doing this you will not need to add exceptions to domains which cannot be proxied.
I think I am close however I still have issues.
Here is the setup
So setting SSL/MITM Mode to custom
Under Custom Options (SSL/MITM)# Define the external ACL external_acl_type SSL_CHECKER ttl=60 negative_ttl=5 concurrency=10 %URI /home/check_site_status.sh # Create an ACL that uses the external ACL acl SSL_WHITELIST external SSL_CHECKER # Allow HTTP CONNECT requests that match the ACL and splice the connection http_access allow CONNECT SSL_WHITELIST ssl_bump splice SSL_WHITELIST ssl_bump bump all
The script checks for an ssl error and adds it to the white list file.
check_site_status.sh#!/bin/sh # Define the whitelist file WHITELIST="/home/whitelist.txt" # This function checks if a website returns an SSL error check_ssl_error() { domain=$1 # Use openssl to check the SSL certificate of the domain echo | openssl s_client -servername "$domain" -connect "$domain":443 2>&1 | grep -q "Verify return code: 0 (ok)" return $? } # This function adds a domain to the Squid's whitelist add_to_whitelist() { domain=$1 domain=$(echo "$domain" | sed 's/^[0-9]* //;s/:443 -//;s/^ *//;s/ *$//') # Check if the domain is already in the whitelist if ! grep -q "^$domain$" $WHITELIST; then # If not, add the domain to the whitelist echo "$domain" >> $WHITELIST fi } # Main loop that reads domains from stdin while read domain; do # Check if the domain returns an SSL error if check_ssl_error "$domain"; then echo "No SSL error for $domain" else echo "SSL error for $domain, adding to whitelist" add_to_whitelist "$domain" fi done
Note the follow file permissions
-rwxrwxrwx 1 squid proxy check_site_status.sh
-rwxrwxrwx 1 squid proxy whitelist.txt
If anyone sees the issue post below