RTL8126 support for pfsense 2.7.2
Hi I'm trying to add a PCIe network card using RTL8126 to my pfsense box. I can see based on the commits of the freebsd realtek kmod that support is added in version 199 but the lastest is 1100. Doing a quick search I found pkg available for driver version 199 for freebsd kernel 14.0 but for driver version 1100 I can only find builds for kernel version 14.1.
Is there anyway that I can use driver built for 14.1 for my pfsense 2.7.2 box running kernel version 14.0? Or is the only way building the kmod and the pkg myself and loading it onto the pfsense box.
Thanks for your help
You would need to compile that module for the 2.7.2 kernel specifically.
It's possible someone has already done that. There are a number of threads for that driver.
For anyone trying to do this driver version 1100 seems to have some sort of problems with 2.7.2. After installing the package for version 1100 and adding the lines in loader.conf.local all my realtek nics stopped sending out packets. Looking at the boot logs there doesn't seems to be any errors with the kernel module and kldstat suggest the module has been loaded correctly.
I'm going to try my luck with some old Intel x540-t2 NICs instead of these realtek NICs. It seems pfsense has terrible support for the newer NICs. RTL8125/8126 and Intel I226 all seems to have some sort of problem. Hopefully I have more luck with the older stuff.
I'd expect 8125 NICs to work fine. Support for those is in 1.98.