An IPv4 protocol was selected, but the selected interface has no IPv4 address
I am running openvpn client to PUREVPN server active for several years
I suddenly have an error An IPv4 protocol was selected, but the selected interface has no IPv4 address
and have no idea how to proceed.
I have reloaded saved backup files from several months ago but the error persistsHELP please
Bridger -
@Bridger does your interface have an IPv4 address like the error says?
Well there is part of my problem.
I have no idea which interface is being referred to.
Wan - no
Lan - Yes
VPN interface - NoA bit more information
I am running version 2.4.5-p1
The error occurs any time I alter anything on the VPN/Openvpn/clients/edit page.In case it is not obvious to say my knowledge of pfsense was sketchy is vastly overstating my abilities.
@Bridger well look in interfaces you setup
You can see this info right with widget you add to the dashboard, see how my vpn client got an IP of - this the IP the vpn server it connected to gave it. You sure your even connected to the vpn service? If you are look in your log, they not handing you an IPv4 address.
The issue is preventing me from getting internet access of any sort - Hence I have no ip address for Wan or PureVPN
@Bridger well if you have no pppoe connection, not sure how your going anywhere.
Well if I replace my pfsense device with a plusnet2 fibre modem router I can get internet access.
So clearly a (ppoe) connection is available. Also everything was working fine until today.So what is not clear to me is:-
Is the failure to connect to Purevpn causing the IPv4 protocol error or is the IPv4 error preventing me from getting internet access? -
@Bridger you can not connect to a vpn until you have a internet connection.... If your using pppoe and prfsense can not connect then no its never going to work.
I am back up and working by connecting my pfsense router to the plusnet modem router and changing the WAN interface from ppoe to DHCP. The problem persists if I try ppoe.
I want to express my thanks for you guiding me in the right direction.I guess I will take the ppoe issue up with my ISP.
Thanks again.
@Bridger did they change from pppoe to dhcp? isp normally don't run both that is for sure. Did you chanqe isps?
Before the problems started I had my pfsense router connected directly to the ONT and used ppoe to log into my ISP. The situation now is that I have my ISP provided router connected to the ONT and the WAN port on the pfsense router connected to an ethernet port of the ISP router. Since the pfsense is no longer handling the connection to the ISP, the WAN interface has been set to DHCP.So same ISP and no change in connection policy to the best of my knowledge.
Many thanks again -
@Bridger yeah if you put pfsense behind the isp "router" then no need for pppoe - mystery solved.