Did you have the countryblock package installed at any point?
Yes, and I could never get it to work properly. But it was uninstalled and I also upgraded pfSense from RC2 to RC3. I figured those two things would've fixed the problem, but pf obviously still sees some junk left over from CB.
What can I do?
I'm new to the forum. First I'd like to say thank you to tommyboy180 for his work and effort on the project.
I can confirm that ip-blocklist and country block do seem to interfere with each other and are not install-configure-run-uninstall-reinstall safe as Shuey mentioned. Also, the option for logging results seems to have amnesia.
I think this is a great project and I'm interesting in putting some time in to make it stable. Where is the source code for your branches and 3.3 beta located?
I'm new to the forum. First I'd like to say thank you to tommyboy180 for his work and effort on the project.
I can confirm that ip-blocklist and country block do seem to interfere with each other and are not install-configure-run-uninstall-reinstall safe as Shuey mentioned. Also, the option for logging results seems to have amnesia.
I think this is a great project and I'm interesting in putting some time in to make it stable. Where is the source code for your branches and 3.3 beta located?
Send me a PM.
Version 3.4 Released!
Whitelists are persistent though reboots
Logging stays checked when it's supposed to
Removed old Warning from main page
Added lvl1 list by default
Changed description on package list
Fixed i-frame error on main page
EDIT: The package has also gained several performance tweaks. The package uses less memory and processing time now.
Did you have the countryblock package installed at any point?
Yes, and I could never get it to work properly. But it was uninstalled and I also upgraded pfSense from RC2 to RC3. I figured those two things would've fixed the problem, but pf obviously still sees some junk left over from CB.
What can I do?
I pulled up a command line using the shell option and I navigated to the "/usr/local/www/packages/" directory - there is no subfolder named "countryblock". The info from my error is being stored somewhere, but I don't know how to wipe it out so I can start over fresh.
Any help would be appreciated - thank you!
Did you have the countryblock package installed at any point?
Yes, and I could never get it to work properly. But it was uninstalled and I also upgraded pfSense from RC2 to RC3. I figured those two things would've fixed the problem, but pf obviously still sees some junk left over from CB.
What can I do?
it's looking for it in /tmp/rules.debug but before you edit this file I want to ask if you have rebooted your system since you uninstalled countryblock. If you haven't then do so and your problem should be solved.
I pulled up a command line using the shell option and I navigated to the "/usr/local/www/packages/" directory - there is no subfolder named "countryblock". The info from my error is being stored somewhere, but I don't know how to wipe it out so I can start over fresh.Any help would be appreciated - thank you!
That's the crazy thing… I uninstalled CountryBlock, updated my pfSense build and rebooted the system. I too was hoping this would fix the problem, but it hasn't. So, to be safe, I just now uninstalled the IP-Blocklist package, verified that it and the CountryBlock packages are no longer showing up in my list of installed packages. I rebooted the system, went back into packages, verified I still do not see a package for CountryBlock or IP-Blocklist. I installed IP-Blocklist and then enabled it. As soon as I saved the change, I got the error again :(
That's not right, lol. See if that file is mentioned in /tmp/rules.debug
There is a section in my rules.debug file for CountryBlock. I'm assuming I can just delete out the entire section of the file that references the CountryBlock information, but I'm not sure how to do it (and I'm hoping there is a fairly easy way to do it from the shell without having to use something very foreign like Vi). I am a complete newb still when it comes to unix/linux, and I'm currently accessing my server through two hoops (SSH'd to my LAN from work to my Ubuntu server, then SSH'd from one of my Windows boxes on the LAN at home). You would think I'd be more than capable just based on that info, but I've had a lot of help with my network so far, lol.
I got it! Since all I had to do was remove a few lines, I was able to find the info on how to navigate and work in Vi long enough to modify the file and I am now blocking IP's with IP-Blocklist!
Thanks Tom, appreciate the help!
I got it! Since all I had to do was remove a few lines, I was able to find the info on how to navigate and work in Vi long enough to modify the file and I am now blocking IP's with IP-Blocklist!
Thanks Tom, appreciate the help!
What I can't figure out is why those lines were still in that file. That file gets deleted on system reboot and regenerated. Since you don't have the countryblock package then that shouldn't be happening unless….
Do you have any countrblock scripts located in /usr/local/etc/rc.d or /usr/local/pkg/pf ?
Hey Tom, thanks for the info. Yep, there was a countryblock.sh file still left over in /usr/local/pkg/pf. And of course the countryblock section was back in the rules.debug file again. I deleted the countryblock script and removed the lines again in the rules.debug file and rebooted. IP-Blocklist is running properly again now :).
I used your spam list, http://www.tomschaefer.org/temp/pfsense/IP-Blocklist-ForumSpam.txt, and then created my own, it's small, but it's a start,
and added it to IP Blocklist. When I started, the package reported
You are blocking 46182 Networks/IPs
I added about 25 ip's, but the number being blocked did not change. Did I do something wrong?? -
I used your spam list, http://www.tomschaefer.org/temp/pfsense/IP-Blocklist-ForumSpam.txt, and then created my own, it's small, but it's a start,
and added it to IP Blocklist. When I started, the package reported
You are blocking 46182 Networks/IPs
I added about 25 ip's, but the number being blocked did not change. Did I do something wrong??Your syntax looks fine. Remove the small list you made and save the changes. See the number it's displaying. Then add your small list again and save and see if the number changes. If not, we'll have to refer this one to Tom.
how do i get this error message out of my system logs
php: : The command '/usr/local/pkg/pf/IP-Blocklist.sh start' returned exit code '2', the output was 'not running root: IP-Blocklist was found not running 0 table deleted. 0 table deleted. rm: /tmp/rules.debug.tmp: No such file or directory /usr/local/pkg/pf/IP-Blocklist.sh: cannot create /usr/local/www/packages/ipblocklist/errorOUT.txt: No such file or directory rm: /tmp/rules.debug.tmp: No such file or directory 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 cat: /usr/local/www/packages/ipblocklist/interfaces.txt: No such file or directory 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 15
Oh, an yes, I am running country block.
I discovered that Cisco makes a list of the Top 100 spammers, for the last 24 hours.
You can export that list. Way cool.
Now, if I can only make my list work, I'm cooking with hydrogen ;DHere's a link to the list in case anyone else wants it.
I used your spam list, http://www.tomschaefer.org/temp/pfsense/IP-Blocklist-ForumSpam.txt, and then created my own, it's small, but it's a start,
and added it to IP Blocklist. When I started, the package reported
You are blocking 46182 Networks/IPs
I added about 25 ip's, but the number being blocked did not change. Did I do something wrong??The two lists are added to ipfw.ipfw in /usr/local/www/packages/ipblocklist/lists
Try adding just the one list and click save/update. See how many lines in that file
Now add both lists and click save/update. See how many lines in that file.Is there a difference?
There was not.
I'll try deleting both lists, then add one in, then delete it, then add both in and report back the difference if any.