LDAP Server Settings - Port Value
The auth test doesn't specifically reference anything, it just calls the same auth function as it would if someone were logging in, and that code references the port used in the config specifically so long as it exists.
What is leading you to believe that it's still using the wrong port at that point?
I ran tcpdump on my LDAP Server with the following commands:
tcpdump -i eth0 host PFSENSEIP and port 389
tcpdump -i eth0 host PFSENSEIP and port 1389
When I hit "Test" from Diagnostics > Authentication with my LDAP Description name selected I only see traffic hitting on port 389 and never on 1389 as previously defined in Port value.
aha, it appears PHP's ldap_connect() ignores the port we pass because we pass a URL in the first parameter. So we need to add the port onto the URL.
Like so:
https://github.com/bsdperimeter/pfsense/commit/4d89e4d7818610aba44dceb3644cb2bb720bca30 -
I grabbed the git repository and then copied the auth.inc file over to the pfsense server.
Now when I go to Section besides the main page I get the following error:
"Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_configured_ipv6_addresses() in /etc/inc/auth.inc on line 143
You want the file from the RELENG_2_0 branch, not the master branch.
I get the same error I previously stated when going down to "Authentication".ย Everything else is working as expected.
Which error is that now?
After applying your latest change outside of the main repository I restarted the server, went for a walk, and came back and now I get no errors.
When I go to Diagnostics > Authentication
I can now see the pfsense box trying to communicate on the right port now!
My LDAP authentication passed with my users that I had setup!
Good news then :-)