Watchguard XTM 5 Series
pkg install flashrom
cd tmp
md5 xtm5_83.rom
flashrom -w xtm5_83.rom –programmer internal
needs a little bit of updating for the 2.4 branch.
Add to those instructions to pull the battery for a while after flashing. That was my problem, I had been writing the flash file, and it said it was verified, but after reboot, still locked out. Pulled the battery for 10 minutes, put it back, booted up and all is good now.
So now I have my BIOS flashed.
I have LCDProc working great.Memory. I have two 1GB sticks on board now.
Considering some of what I've been reading about 2.4 and using ZFS file systems, it looks like creating a RAM disk is a good idea.
I believe someone on here posted that they have gone up to 8GB with no issues. Assuming that's 2x4GB… What else are the specs for RAM?
PC2-6400 ? Is that correct ?
240 pinsWhat else do I want to do before I make this "production-ready"?
Suggestions? Favorite add-on packages (already have Shellcmd and LCDProc).
flashrom -w -v xtm5_83.rom –programmer internal
That one won't work. The file name has to be after the -w.
Turns out mine was working… I just needed to pull the battery while powered off and when I brought it back up, the new BIOS was running.
That one won't work. The file name has to be after the -w.
Turns out mine was working… I just needed to pull the battery while powered off and when I brought it back up, the new BIOS was running.
What- you didn't read through the 20,000 plus pages to find out you need to pull the battery?? :o ;D
We tend to take things for granted sometimes and forget to mention that. :P
Glad ya made it work!
Memory. I have two 1GB sticks on board now.
Considering some of what I've been reading about 2.4 and using ZFS file systems, it looks like creating a RAM disk is a good idea.
I believe someone on here posted that they have gone up to 8GB with no issues. Assuming that's 2x4GB… What else are the specs for RAM?
PC2-6400 ? Is that correct ?
240 pinsIm running 4GB ram here and a 120GB hard drive. Cannot speak whether the board will handle 8GB or not..
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You have to extract the modules from the bios then search through it for the string that's sent to the LCD and edit it in hex. It's been a while since I did it I don't recall exactly which module it's in.
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I don't recall exactly which version it was I'm afraid. Unless it's noted somewhere here in thread already.
That's true though the earlier versions produced corrupted files which is why I ended up having to flash the chip via SPI directly a number of times.
I don't recall exactly which version it was I'm afraid. Unless it's noted somewhere here in thread already.
That's true though the earlier versions produced corrupted files which is why I ended up having to flash the chip via SPI directly a number of times.
Version 3.51 was the correct version.
Prior versions did corrupt the BIOS files.
You mentioned this exactly at the day, 3 years ago ;D@lolman
You have to use the 3.XX series on the XTM5 bios. I believe the 4.XX is for UEFI bios only. I started out using 3.43 but that mostly corrupted the BIOS image! Using 3.51 allowed me to edit the Superio tables and didn't corrupt the BIOS.@mcdonnjd
Which model XTM5 do you have? It seems like it's different to those the rest of have so maybe it's one of the second generation models.Steve
DeLorean -
Thank you me 3 years ago! ;D
apparently i have the oddball with the 220Watt power supply in mine.
I'm with you. Same box. It's the 2nd Generation XTM 5 boxes. It seems that when they started expanding the product line, they made some changes.
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I don't recall exactly which version it was I'm afraid. Unless it's noted somewhere here in thread already.
That's true though the earlier versions produced corrupted files which is why I ended up having to flash the chip via SPI directly a number of times.
do you happen to still have the Pinouts you got from Lanner on the SPI port? also what software did you use with your home made SPI programmer?
in my world its called CYA and making sure mine works ahead of time before hacking on the bios.This diagram of pinouts is taken from the Lanner FW-7581W user manual
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Using the test clip directly is probably a better way to go.
I used flashrom which has a special driver for the parallel port "rayer_spi" programmer.
Thanks. i also found my soic8 test clip for my eprom burner too and it supports the SPI flash chip in the XTM 5.
I received my SOIC8 test clip today in the mail, but i'm not sure if my Nano USB Programmer can be used.
I gonna first try it on a old desktop motherboard.Which Eeprom programmer do you use ?
DeLorean -
Okay, my Nano USB programmer has the ST M25P80 chip listed.
But when i look at the Bios chip of a XTM510 that i have here , it says MP25P80-VG.
A search on the internet doesnt give me any answer what the difference is between both nrs.Grtz
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