NEW Package: freeRADIUS 2.x
Hi again,
to create the USERS file like you posted above you can do the following - I suppose that there are no other entries in the users file:
FreeRADIUS => Users => Add a user (+)
Set any username and set any password (because this are requiered fields) and the scroll down to "Additional RADIUS Attributes on the TOP of this entry" and paste the following code. Take attention: If you miss whitespaces or something the syntax will be incorrect and radiusd will not start.
DEFAULT Group == "hotspot", Simultaneous-Use := 4| Fall-Through = 1|DEFAULT Simultaneous-Use := 1| Fall-Through = 1|DEFAULT Framed-Protocol == PPP| Framed-Protocol = PPP,| Framed-Compression = Van-Jacobson-TCP-IP|DEFAULT Hint == "CSLIP"| Framed-Protocol = SLIP,| Framed-Compression = Van-Jacobson-TCP-IP|DEFAULT Hint == "SLIP"| Framed-Protocol = SLIP
That's it for users file.
please take attention: in users file "hotspot" is all small letters, your old ldap config has a capital letter at first, your new has two capital letters. don't know if this is case sensitive or not.
The following is not present in your old config so you should probably set this in the GUI to "no". But test with both/mixed.
Compare Check Items
Access Attribute Used For Allow
the last thing is:
please replace the line 1200 in like I posted before - the click "save" on FreeRADIUS => LDAP again to write the changes to the ldap file.Now we should have your config like it was on your old debian server - hopefully it will work. :-)
Then we only have to find a way around your "unlang" part and solve this with users file - if possible.
Hi Nachtfalke,
thanx for your support. Can check it tommorow. Now i am at home an can´t check it.
Gruß, Valle ;-)
Update pkg v1.5.9:
- Added: The fields "username/password" or "mac address" are no requiered fields anymore. This allows us to make an entry in users/mac file with custom options like "DEFAULT Group == ldap" without username/password. Further this allows us to make en complete empty entry in GUI as a placeholer. Nothing will be put into users/mac file so we are able to put there something else later. Users/mac file has the disadvantage that it will be processed from top to down and a re-arrangement of the entries with drag&drop isn't able from GUI.
You should update to latest version - this changes were made just for you ;-)
But now you must not change line 1200 but line 1212 in :P -
Hi Nachtfalke,
will test it firstly tomorrow and send back feedback as soon as possible.
Hi Nachtfalke,
will test it firstly tomorrow and send back feedback as soon as possible.
I know, I know. Don't stress :D :D
Hi Nachtfalke,
i have testet the new package but withouth success.
First i found out that the users settings are not needed.
But there is anything missing in the settings on pfsense but i don´t know whats missing.
Regards, Valle
now it works!!!
i have copied my site-avaible/default to the pfsense server and restartet freeradius.
the problem is, that the entry
Auth-Type LDAP { ldap if (LDAP-Group == "hotspot") { noop } else { reject } }
is missing in the default file. If have made the change in on line 1212 and pushed on "save" in the ldap settings and restartet the server.
is missing in the default file. If have made the change in on line 1212 and pushed on "save" in the ldap settings and restartet the server.So after you made the changes on line 1212 the above entry is there, correct ?
And without the changes on this line 1212 you cannot authenticate a user ?
Can you post the complete output of radiusd -X when authenticationg with and without the changes ?
delete passwords. Perhaps we can find another way to work around this entry just from GUI. -
is missing in the default file. If have made the change in on line 1212 and pushed on "save" in the ldap settings and restartet the server.So after you made the changes on line 1212 the above entry is there, correct ?
no, there are no changes in the default file.
Use the attached file (, copy it to /usr/local/pkg and then got to
FreeRADIUS => LDAP => SaveCheck before in FreeRADIUS => View config => virtual-server-default
PS: Did it work with the "DEFAULT" entries from webGUI in FreeRADIUS => Users ?
i have copied your file in the right place and set the rights to 755.
Go to Services => LDAP => pushed the save buttonView the config => virtual-server-default
but it changed nothing :(
checked it with the console:
[2.0.1-RELEASE][]/usr/local/pkg(220): cat | grep hot $varmodulesldapenableauthenticate = "Auth-Type LDAP {" . "\n\t\t\tldap" . "\n\t\t\tif (LDAP-Group == " . '"hotspot") {' . "\n\t\t\t\tnoop" . "\n\t\t\t}" . "\n\t\t\telse {" . "\n\t\t\t\treject" . "\n\t\t\t}" . "\n\t\t\t$varmodulesldap2enableauthenticate" . "\n\t}"; [2.0.1-RELEASE][]/usr/local/pkg(221): cat /usr/local/etc/raddb/sites-available/default | grep hot [2.0.1-RELEASE][]/usr/local/pkg(222):
sorry, but what can i do wrong?
i have copied your file in the right place and set the rights to 755.
Go to Services => LDAP => pushed the save buttonView the config => virtual-server-default
but it changed nothing :(
checked it with the console:
[2.0.1-RELEASE][]/usr/local/pkg(220): cat | grep hot $varmodulesldapenableauthenticate = "Auth-Type LDAP {" . "\n\t\t\tldap" . "\n\t\t\tif (LDAP-Group == " . '"hotspot") {' . "\n\t\t\t\tnoop" . "\n\t\t\t}" . "\n\t\t\telse {" . "\n\t\t\t\treject" . "\n\t\t\t}" . "\n\t\t\t$varmodulesldap2enableauthenticate" . "\n\t}"; [2.0.1-RELEASE][]/usr/local/pkg(221): cat /usr/local/etc/raddb/sites-available/default | grep hot [2.0.1-RELEASE][]/usr/local/pkg(222):
sorry, but what can i do wrong?
did you rename it from to ?
For me it is working.Auth-Type LDAP { ldap if (LDAP-Group == "hotspot") { noop } else { reject } #ldap2 }
yes, i have rename the file to as you can see in the code.
grep found the change you have made. I will try it again later.strange ??? But big thnx for your support.
je fais pars de mon problème dans ce forum en espérant que quelqu'un puisse m'aider.
J'ai donc installé et configuré pfsense et plus précisément le portail captif pour que lorsque que des clients wifi de mon réseau veulent se conecter, il leur faut insérer leur login et mot de passe.
Avec les compte sur la base local tout marche bien.
Maintenant je voudrai mettre en place freeradius (le package de pfsense), et c'est la que je bloque.
- Je créer un utilisateur dans la base local de radius pour tester.
- J'active l'authentification radius dans le service portail captif et la quand j
- Je lance mon navigateur web
- je rentre le login et mot de passe et la j'ai ce message :
No valid RADIUS responses received
Merci d'avance
I know you love your mother language but please translate your question to english or post it on french forum.
Marcello Coutinho
je fais pars de mon problème dans ce forum en espérant que quelqu'un puisse m'aider.
J'ai donc installé et configuré pfsense et plus précisément le portail captif pour que lorsque que des clients wifi de mon réseau veulent se conecter, il leur faut insérer leur login et mot de passe.
Avec les compte sur la base local tout marche bien.
Maintenant je voudrai mettre en place freeradius (le package de pfsense), et c'est la que je bloque.
- Je créer un utilisateur dans la base local de radius pour tester.
- J'active l'authentification radius dans le service portail captif et la quand j
- Je lance mon navigateur web
- je rentre le login et mot de passe et la j'ai ce message :
No valid RADIUS responses received
Merci d'avance
That's google translated - cool ;o)
jetez un oeil à la documentation du paquet" -
Updates pkg v1.6.0:
- Added: Ability to set individual redirection URL after login per user/mac
Known bugs:
When using "stop/start accounting on CP then "Amount of Time" isn't working correctly. -
When using CP + RADIUS + Vouchers and "reauthenticate every minute" is enabled then CP sends the voucher as username to RADIUS. This causes RADIUS to disconnect the "user/voucher" because of an unknown/wrong "username". -
When stop/start accounting on CP is enabled than the syslog shows many "wrong order" or "Login found bot no logout detected". This seems to not affect the usage of RADIUS but it is not 100% correct.
Updates pkg v1.6.1:
Added: custom logging options for syslog output. We can now see the remaining time, download volume, max bandwidth
Updated: freeradius 2.x package documentation
Known bugs:
When using "stop/start accounting on CP then "Amount of Time" isn't working correctly. -
When using CP + RADIUS + Vouchers and "reauthenticate every minute" is enabled then CP sends the voucher as username to RADIUS. This causes RADIUS to disconnect the "user/voucher" because of an unknown/wrong "username". -
When stop/start accounting on CP is enabled than the syslog shows many "wrong order" or "Login found bot no logout detected". This seems to not affect the usage of RADIUS but it is not 100% correct.
i have freeradius2 and client name "ted", he has god IP address in freeradius, and in DHCP server he has got static IP binded to his MAC address of device A. I want to enable "ted" to connect with his device B. Do I have to create another account in freeradius or: in DHCP server i bind his device B MAC address to another IP address( and add to "ted" IP range?
i have freeradius2 and client name "ted", he has god IP address in freeradius, and in DHCP server he has got static IP binded to his MAC address of device A. I want to enable "ted" to connect with his device B. Do I have to create another account in freeradius or: in DHCP server i bind his device B MAC address to another IP address( and add to "ted" IP range?
this post is a little bit confusing - for me.
You need just one entry with "ted" in FreeRADIUS => Users.
If you want FreeRADIUS to assign an client an IP address then the NAS must support that. pfsense (NAS) does not support that - as far as I know.