Error on user (re)creation from User Manager
Hello all,
during a test session of pfSense 2.0.1-RELEASE I got an error after a user create-modify-delete-recreate cycle.Here are the steps I did to get the error.
System -> User Manager -> Users menu
Click on '+' icon to add a new user
Entry mask filled as follow
Username: myuser
Password: mypwd
(confirmation): mypwd -
Click on 'Save' button
User created correctly as expected -
Click on 'e' button associated to newly created user in order to modify it
Modify the 'Username' field: myuser -> myuser1
Click on 'Save' button
Username modified to 'myuser1' as expected -
Click on 'x' icon to delete 'myuser1' user
Confirm deletion by clicking on 'OK' button
User gets removed as expected
Click on '+' icon to add a new user
Entry mask filled as follow (the same username as first added username)
Username: myuser
Password: mypwd
(confirmation): mypwd -
Click on 'Save' button
The following error appears:
The following input errors were detected:
That username is reserved by the system.
Is this the expected correct behavior?
Marco -
Check /etc/passwd at each step, see if the original user was ever removed from there.
That error is probably coming from the old user still existing in /etc/passwd.
That may have been fixed after 2.0.1
Check /etc/passwd at each step, see if the original user was ever removed from there.
That error is probably coming from the old user still existing in /etc/passwd.
Yes, the old user was still present in /etc/passwd.
Manually removing it solves the problem.That may have been fixed after 2.0.1
Is there any issue tracking that fix on redmine?
I find this which could be related but not 100% sure: for the help.
Marco -
I'm not sure if that ticket was related, but the fix for that could have fixed this as well.
Just checked and the deletion case was ok but not rename.
Easy fix.
Would also fix itself on reboot when the users are cleaned up and resynced. For a quicker fix that doesn't require editing and files, go to Diagnostics > Command and run this in the PHP exec box:
require_once(""); local_sync_accounts();