Pfsense 2.0.3 stuck on reboot with X550e
Been running 1.2.3 for many yrs on a fanless box and recently ventured into the X550e realm.
After many hrs of messing with bios flashing due to a non supported cable I finally flashed it and loaded 2.0.3.
Set everything up and when I tell it to reboot either thru gui or putty it says rebooting and the lcd says rebooting but no reboot. The 550e fans go back to 100% and nothing happens.
I've make sure acpi in bios is disabled.
Any thoughts on why the X will not reboot?
I flashed with X750EB6Thanks,
Hmm. Nothing on the console as a clue? At 9600 or 115200bps?
The LCD says rebooting, is this part of the lcdproc package or a bios message I don't recall seeing?
I presume it never gets to 'Booting OS'?Where did you get the X750eb6 image? That was a version I never released as far as I can recall or at least it's been superseded.
Edit: Ah I see I left it on the FreeDOS image. Why did you choose that over B7?
unit boots fine, but will not shutdown or reboot without hard power.
no, no clue to why, when reboot cycle starts everything looks normal, console says
system going down immediately…. tone ...done ..... uptime xxxxx Rebooting (and hangs there)
The 550e LCD says pfsense shutting down (and hangs)
No input from pc or 550 works except power switchThe B6 was in my list of files that was said to work with the 550e.
Do I need to flash the B7?
I'm still learning the new stuff, I've been on 1.2.3 for prob 2+ yrs on my other boxThanks,
You shouldn't need to go to B7 but almost everyone else is using that. I can't remember what the difference between B6 and B7 was. The reboot/shutdown requires ACPI, is that enabled in the bios?
Is there anything on the console at the bios baudrate (115200 by default)? If the fans are going back to full speed that implies the board has successfully reset but is then stuck on something? CMOS battery flat perhaps.
In B7 (probably B6 too) the fans drop from full speed (FF) to slightly reduced speed (BB) when the bios code runs and you can hear that change. Is that happening when you try to reset?There are a number of write up out there on the internet detailing running pfSense on the firebox, not all of them are 100% correct. ;) What instructions did you follow? What list of files?
Flashed B7 and set Acpi to enable in bios
reboot command
different tone then before
still no reboot stuck on rebooting in console and shutting down on lcd
4 of the 6 led's (2 thru 5)on pc board are slow flashing 1 and 6 are not lit
I've spent many hrs on here reading on installing, troubleshooting etc, and tried a few things but no dice. -
If you mean the internal diagnostic LEDs next to the SuperIO chip (near the PSU connector) there are 8 on every box I've looked in. If they are not all lit and steady then the box isn't passing the initial hardware testing that's part of the bios code. If that's true there should be some output on the serial console at 115200bps, unless you've changed it. It may be hanging before the serial redirect code kicks in in which case you'd see nothing. Unfortunately the diagnostic LEDs are completely undocumented.
Either way it's hard to imagine something that passes a cold boot but not a warm boot. :-\ Definitely check the battery.You never said if it gets to the lower fan speed setting?
If you mean the internal diagnostic LEDs next to the SuperIO chip (near the PSU connector) there are 8 on every box I've looked in. If they are not all lit and steady then the box isn't passing the initial hardware testing that's part of the bios code. If that's true there should be some output on the serial console at 115200bps, unless you've changed it. It may be hanging before the serial redirect code kicks in in which case you'd see nothing. Unfortunately the diagnostic LEDs are completely undocumented.
Either way it's hard to imagine something that passes a cold boot but not a warm boot. :-\ Definitely check the battery.You never said if it gets to the lower fan speed setting?
When trying to reboot the mb led's are slowly flashing, when running they are solid
Checked batt and it was 2.73V so I'm looking for another
fans are in low speed while unit is running
when trying to reboot they go back to high and stay there till power offThank you for helping– I'm just at a loss right now..
Put diff battery in, re checked bios for setup
booted into pfsense
tried reboot and still hangsenabled acpi in bios
tried and hangsbooted into pf
entered sysctl hw.acpi.disable_on_reboot=1 in command line
hangsduring the attempted reboot there is no data on the console for 115200 only on boot up
on 9600 pf looks to be shutting down and says rebooting and hangs.I'm at a loss
Hmm, I'm at a loss too. :-
Clearly it's not making it past the bios self test code. I cannot imagine what might pass a cold boot but fail a warm boot. It seems very unlikely to be anything to do with pfSense though.
How much RAM do you have in there? With 2GB the memory check can take a long time.I would usually suggest reseating the RAM and CPU. I have a hard time believing it's that but it worth a try.
Thanks Steve,
I've reseated the CPU, ram, etc.. only have 7xxmb ram and tried each one individually, tried different bios acpi settings, tried disabling items in bios, new battery, different bios flashes, different pfsense nano versions, bios pin reset, front push button reset etc.. Still will not do a reboot.
It acts like it's hanging at the starting stages of the bios with the fans going back to 100% I really like the unit but I need it to reboot when commanded. I've switched baud rates trying to find or see error coded but nothing
Any other thoughts? sledge hammer? ;DThanks
Have you swapped out the CPU? Are you still using the original Celeron-M?
If you have did you correctly switch both sets of DIP switches?Other than that I'm out of ideas. I can't think what would stop it warm booting. Perhaps some Googling for that general fault. :-\
I did not swap the cpu out, just reseated it, but I'll check the dips. I've googled till i'm googly but will keep searching..
Thanks -
The power supply is a likely suspect. I had a box with a dead PSU, completely dead though. It's standard ATX so you can easily use any PSU to test. Could be a power problem on the board. Do any of the capacitors look cooked? (bulging/leaking).
replaced ps and still no reboot.
checked dips and they are set on Banias
IS the Jp_hmw1 suppose to have a shunt?Thanks
Nope, nothing on JP_HWM1. No idea what it does.
ding, ding….
using the hault command in either the gui or putty will trigger a reboot... Now what's up with those apples??? :o :o -
Hmm. ;)
The box can't shutdown correctly because it doesn't have an ATX compliant PSU, it's always on, it has a real power switch. Thus when you try to shutdown it can't so some boxes just halt and others reboot.
I'm going to have to test my box here to be sure.Update: As I thought my box here reboots in all cases. Running reboot or halt from then console menu or the webgui or using 'shutdown -r now'.