Configure squid & squidguard/dansguardian with SSL $60
Hi, yes you need to put it in the phone and tablets and ANY/ALL other devices, old post but most of the steps still are still correct.
You can skip System Patches part.
but it seems like for pfSense 2.2.2 theres issues with squid3
Lots of issues, don't waste on latest version, it is very unstable
I am moving (trying to workout how to set it up now) from using a Transparent proxy to using a WPAD.
Do send the process if you are successful.
any update on fixing squid3 for 2.2.2? :)
any update on fixing squid3 for 2.2.2? :)
squid3 works fine with 2.2.2 for Transparent HTTP proxy (have not tried https).
Or are you referring to setting up a WPAD with squid3 for pfsense 2.2.2, if that is the case, i am working on it (getting somewhere).
well.. if i reboot i need to stop squid3 and squidGuard and start it again weird..but it works. I just gave up on https so I use pfblockerNG for all the https sites (facebook,twitter,whatsapp) Funny thing I cant get youtube to block though IP. :-[
But in theory 90 percent of people when they go to youtube or facebook they usually type on the url that always comes at http. But if you search in google facebook it will come as https (thats where pfBlockerNG comes in)
I have been also following your post for WPAD pretty impressive stuff best of luck ;) But one thing i cant understand is how WPAD works with squid or squidGuard
if i reboot i need to stop squid3 and squidGuard and start it again weird
I have to reinstall the blocklist.
I have been also following your post for WPAD pretty impressive stuff best of luck
If I work it out i'll post a how to;
I have to reinstall the blocklist.
thats the worst hopefully fix soon :)
If I work it out i'll post a how to
Thanks ;)
Just to post an update I have got the wpad working with http and https filtering working without using a transparent proxy.
see link this helps some people
Squid3 works just fine for me in explicit mode.