What up, @BBcan177!
Long-time lurker, first-time poster. I think I've discovered a bug in your otherwise fantastic piece of software. I'm on the latest versions of everything and have DNSBL up and running smoothly. I have the North America list set to Alias Native for the United States only, and I have the pfb_NAmerica alias used in a WAN rule to allow access to an OpenVPN server running on pfSense from the public internet, but only from United States source IP's. I also have the option selected in pfBlockerNG to kill states during cron/force update. When I run a force update with the setup outlined above, after the block lists are updated, the log shows pfBlockerNG removing the states of what looks like all active connections to United States IP's with the culprit being [ pfB_NAmerica_v4-Inbound ]. This happens whether or not logging to the firewall log is enabled for the rule and whether or not the rule is set to disabled. Changing the list action to Alias Permit or Alias Match instead of Alias Native also doesn't change this behavior; states still get killed. Removing the alias from the rule or completely deleting the rule does end the update massacre.
If a list is set to Alias Native, shouldn't pfBlockerNG only kill the states for that list if the alias is used in an active (not disabled) blocking rule? Also, I wouldn't expect that a list set to Alias Permit or Alias Match would ever have its states killed. Am I missing something?
For Outbound Interface I have 'LAN' selected and 'Deny Both' in the IPv4 lists. Is it possible exclude a source ip address from the LAN interface? I dont want to use 'Deny Outbound' for a particular ip address.
For Outbound Interface I have 'LAN' selected and 'Deny Both' in the IPv4 lists. Is it possible exclude a source ip address from the LAN interface? I dont want to use 'Deny Outbound' for a particular ip address.
Try the Advanced Outbound Rule settings:
Create a pfSense Alias "ExcludedIP" and add any (lan) SRC IPs that you want to exclude… Check the "Invert" option. Also change the "Custom Protocol" setting to "TCP/UDP":
( The created Firewall Rule is shown in the Red box )NOTE - There is a bug with the existing package for "Outbound Protocol" settings. I have a fix for for this in the pfSense 2.3 version of pfBlockerNG in PR #107, that is waiting to be merged…
Yes that is also part of the fix in PR #107… Sometimes copy/paste is a bad thing... Its really "Custom Source"... Wait for the next version and it should work for you :)
Hey everyone,
My apologies, but I'm just not getting how to make the ipv4 lists work.
I have an i-blocklist subscription and I enter in the list and can see when I update that it's finding updates, but I don't see any alias created or any rules made outside of the country blocks. Should I see any firewall alias's or rules after entering an ipv4 list/s?
I've done my fair share of looking through this thread and I still can't figure it out. Any help would be greatly appreciated, even if its "no you're doing it wrong".
Tom -
Hi Tom,
What does the text say just below the "Save" button :)
Goto the Update Tab and click "Force Update".
Also instead of blocking the world, best to permit the ones that you want. I've written about that in this thread and in Reddit.
I do the force update, but it doesn't seem to have an effect. Every time my tab (Chrome) will show the spinning icon, and eventually I will get an nginx timeout.
What does the pfblockerng.log show? Goto the Log Browser tab to view it for clues. Never seen this issue before.
What pfSense version? What kind of hardware? If your blocking the world, you might be blocking DNS servers (if using the resolver) and IBlock urls might be in other Countries.
Only log that will show is the pfblocker log, all other logs show failure to read.
I'm on 2.3 release and the hardware is a Dell Optiplex 960 -
Are there any more lines in the pfblockerng.log file? Can you scroll down to see the end of the log? Those entries are ~24hrs ago. Did you select the Interfaces in the General Tab?
You clicked "Floating Rules". So any firewall rules will not show in the wan/lan tabs. Goto the floating tab to see the rules. If Cron is running. You will not be able to Force Update till cron completes. You should be able to hit "view" in the update Tab while Cron is running.
Here is what I have on the floating rules. Should there be additional rules for ipv4 lists?
Hi samoth, I sent you a PM…
I think I found the reason why DNSBL wasn't working for me when using together with squid and .PAC file.
DNSBL creates to NAT rules to redirect ports 80 and 443 to the internal server on IP But when using squid I am using ports 3128 and 3129.
So I created a second NAT rule - made a copy of the existing DNSBL rules - but with the squid ports.
Further I let pfsense create an "associated firewall rule" to make sure that access is allowed and further I wanted to use it to enable logging on this rule.So after these additional configuration options it is working for me. I can see the 1x1 pixel gif when accessing http or https and I get the access logged in the pfBlockerng Alerts tab.
So in a short summary I would say these additional steps have to be done when you want to use DNSBL togther with squid (and PAC file).
Define in the proxy PAC file to NOT use (go DIRECT and no through the proxy) the proxy for the DNSBL VIP. Probably best is to NOT use proxy for any private subnets like 192.168./16, 172.16./12, 10./8
Add an additional NAT rule for your proxy ports 3128 and 3129 - or whatever ports you used in your squid config
Create an "associated firewall rule" based on the NAT rule(s) you created and make sure it is placed in the correct order in your firewall rules and is not hidden by any other rule.
Any idea to put an option into your package which allows the user to enable "Squid Proxy Support". Then the user should put in their squid ports and then DNSBL will automatically create an additional NAT rule for these ports and will create an additional Floating/Firewall rule. Then perhaps giving a little hint that when using PAC file the user needs to configure it PAC file to bypass proxy and go direct.
Don't know if you need this when using tranparent proxy.This option should be disabled by default so it will not cause any problems for the majority of users who do not use squid proxy and DNSBL together.
–--- EDIT -----
It looks like the additional NAT rules are NOT needed.
BUT the additional Firewall Rule IS needed. -
Hi everyone!
I'm looking for some help to solve a strange issue with pfBlockerNG and OpenVPN.
On pfSense I've both OpenVPN client and server. Everything worked fine until I installed pfBlockerNG. Then, every 2 times I restart pfSense, the service status shows that OpenVPN server is not working.The thing is: OpenVPN server actually works if I test it! I can connect as normal, it's just pfSense that thinks it's not working.
If I reboot pfSense, then everything turns back to normal, and the problem reappears if I reboot once again, and so on.On boot, OpenVPN log reports this error:
May 5 17:43:13 openvpn 30398 TCP/UDP: Socket bind failed on local address [AF_INET] Address already in use is the WAN address. If I try to restart the service, i get a TUN/TAP device busy error, since it's actually being used.
It doesn't help to disable pfBlockingNG, but if I uninstall it then the problem disappears.
Another thing that "solves" the problem is to remove all the firewall's rules on OpenVPN, but then I have to manually add them again after reboot and remove them before the next reboot.What am I doing wrong? What did I miss?
pfSense v2.3
pfBlockingNG v2.0.12 -
Hi everyone!
I'm looking for some help to solve a strange issue with pfBlockerNG and OpenVPN.
On boot, OpenVPN log reports this error:
May 5 17:43:13 openvpn 30398 TCP/UDP: Socket bind failed on local address [AF_INET] Address already in use
The only way I can see pfBlockerNG interfering with OpenVPN, is if you configured the DNSBL Port to use 1194?
Can you describe your Interfaces? and are you using DNSBL?
I tried DNSBL, but now it's disabled. I haven't changed the DNSBL's port, btw.
This is the list of my interfaces:
WAN - eth0
LAN - eth1
WIFI - wlan0
CLIENTS - vlan1
SERVERS - vlan2
VPN - used by VPN client -
I tried DNSBL, but now it's disabled. I haven't changed the DNSBL's port, btw.
This is the list of my interfaces:
WAN - eth0
LAN - eth1
WIFI - wlan0
CLIENTS - vlan1
SERVERS - vlan2
VPN - used by VPN clientSo if DNSBL is disabled, there is nothing else in pfBlockerNG that touches the ports. Could it be that a firewall rule is blocking something?