Problems with captiveportal after upgrading to 2.2
Up to you, though 2.1 is pretty much a dead end.
I will try a clean install of 2.2 on another machine.
No problems with migration here… (If you cannot get it working, a clean install and config restore takes minutes.)
Minutes??? I've tried to reinstall pfsense n times and it doesn't work. After restore I get mismatch error and I've tried but I am not able to set the right interfaces.
I don't understand. Error in the backup file? -
You won't have much luck with restoring 2.2 configuration backup on 2.1.x
You won't have much luck with restoring 2.2 configuration backup on 2.1.x
no the backup was of the 2.1.5 and I've tried it on 2.1.5 and also on 2.2.
I will throw out of the window the pc!!! -
Nice rant. Post the exact errors you get and explain what does "I am not able to set the right interfaces" mean.
Nice rant. Post the exact errors you get and explain what does "I am not able to set the right interfaces" mean.
It's difficult to explain. If I can arrive to the web gui and I can apply the restore I think I am at a good point…
Anyway I get Network interface mismatch. I've tried to associate the interfaces to the correct wan,lan,...but when I apply and reboot it doesn't work anything and I cannot access to pfsense anymore.
And after the restore, I get login error. It seems password doesn't work! -
How old is that configuration backup? Does it even come from the same machine?
How old is that configuration backup? Does it even come from the same machine?
two days ago but it's from my original pfsense. I've tried to use it on another machine that I've reinstalled.
Uh? Wondering why it does not match? Sounds like another Layer 8 error.
Uh? Wondering why it does not match? Sounds like another Layer 8 error.
very funny :D
ok the problem it could be me…anyway I cannot realize how to solve it!
I try to explain. I have 3 interface wan, lan and opt. In the new machine 3 ethernet cards sge0, re0,re1. I've checked which one it is physically.
I connected the right cable connected to the previous pfsense to the right new interface.
What's more? :-\ -
Why on earth don't you go, reinstall the SAME box the backup came from and restore the configuration backup on the SAME box? Sorry, I don't have time for similar nonsense.
Ahhhhh - Now I get you…
If you are trying to restore a backup from different hardware machines, you may need to fix interface name changes or configure network again after restore config reboot (via serial I guess on nano/cf installs)
Why on earth don't you go, reinstall the SAME box the backup came from and restore the configuration backup on the SAME box? Sorry, I don't have time for similar nonsense.
because this box still work (only captive portal doesn't work) and if the installation goes bad I have no other box working! I prefer another machine to test.
Yes. Then figure out the self-induced issues yourself; interfaces not matching on different HW is really not any bug and completely off-topic on this thread.
Yes. Then figure out the self-induced issues yourself; interfaces not matching on different HW is really not any bug and completely off-topic on this thread.
I'm very sorry! I've solved the problem! I've changed the two ethernet cards, reassociate the interfaces and now it works! the problem was in the broken ethernet cards!
If you are trying to restore a backup from different hardware machines, you may need to fix interface name changes or configure network again after restore config reboot (via serial I guess on nano/cf installs)
I know this. The problem was in the ethernet cards! :( now solved! :)
On the original machine, or the other one? The CP works now after restoring the configuration backup?
On the original machine, or the other one? The CP works now after restoring the configuration backup?
on the other one. The original machine was upgraded to 2.2 and now it doesn't work captive portal on it yet.
When I will have time I'll reinstall pfsense on the original machine starting from a clean 2.2 to see if captive portal then works. -
When I will have time I'll reinstall pfsense on the original machine starting from a clean 2.2 to see if captive portal then works.Worst case scenario:
Before importing that 'old 2.1.5 config file that won't give you a working portal interface on 2.2', do this:
Take a descent code editor (not MSWord :)) and take out (copy elsewhere - in another file) everything between the
and theSave.
Import the modified config file into pfSEnse 2.2.
Now, set up the captive portal by hand - it normally hasn't a huge parameter set.Just look at the part you copied out so you know what to put in ;)
This always works.