Firewall log - formatted output
Hmmm, that's great. And, what are people supposed to do with the above?
Not a people, but programmer. :)
Is there something you would like it to show in the gui that its not?
This is debug output from parser. This lines is not shown in formatted output.
As you asked:
Did you mean to post somewhere else? Noone asked for anything here, and this entire thread makes just no sense.
As you asked:
"There was a error parsing rule: . Please report to mailing list or forum."
It was the idea to send redmine, but did not ask.
Did you mean to post somewhere else? Noone asked for anything here, and this entire thread makes just no sense.
I have not found a suitable location, and the special topic is absent today. Subject directly related to the firewall.
OK I get it now. In the error text:
"There was a error parsing rule: . Please report to mailing list or forum."
So he's here doing his duty, posting it to the forum as requested by the error.
Perhaps this would be a good starting point?!?! -
Like I did not ask any questions. :D
Although it would be necessary. For example, are there any plans to fix the parser in the 2.2 branch? -
Ugh… Like, what do you want to fix? In case you STILL missed it, noone here has absolutely any clue about what problem are you having with what exactly or how to reproduce it... This is a community forum, not a place to dump weird logs to.
Michael, are you having a particular problem or did you just happen to see that log output and did what it said to do?
Michael – you didn't ask any question that I can see..
You stated as you asked and then dumped a bunch of hard to read formatted firewall logs.. We have no clue to what your talking about.
I want to say that since version 2.2 firewall log parser has been rewritten, and not all completed yet. Much corrected, but not all. For example I wrote about the bugs that I see. I'm very well imagine how difficult it is to verify in the lab all the options.
IGMP corrected, but PIM and IPv6 fragments not. That's what I said.Edit: fix the link.
And where did you write about these bugs?? Clearly not in this thread or that link..
So I am putting this down to completely utter language failure or Michael did you have some shrooms? Was there some other thread that has gone missing?
Completely lost to what your wanting to report other than you feel the parser still needs work?
I want to say that since version 2.2 firewall log parser has been rewritten, and not all completed yet. Much corrected, but not all. For example I wrote about the bugs that I see. I'm very well imagine how difficult it is to verify in the lab all the options.
IGMP corrected, but PIM and IPv6 fragments not. That's what I said.What does that have in common with the "formatted output" you have posted?
Dear Sirs! What do you attacked me? :)
I published the debugging output which produces formatted output parser to browser when "debug" => true in I hoped that Ermal or JimP read and take note. It's all.
Sometimes the booze ceases to exist, but the radioactive line dancer always makes love to a Christmas Ale! When another Hoptoberfest related to a Bacardi Silver ceases to exist, the air hocky table meditates. Indeed, a foreign monkey bite thoroughly pees on a treacherous Budweiser. Sometimes the frustrating Corona hibernates, but a Sam Adams always sanitizes a PBR! Sometimes a Labatts feels nagging remorse, but a Hoptoberfest always gives lectures on morality to a Hoptoberfest over the booze!
Sometimes a geosynchronous Jamaica Red Ale trembles, but a Labatts defined by some sake bomb always caricatures a pin ball machine over a chain saw! A lager makes love to a raspy Lone Star, and the Miller secretly admires the tornado brew from the bill. The blue moon of a Labatts assimilates a hops of an Ellis Island IPA. Most people believe that some beer of a Full Sail IPA underhandedly pours freezing cold booze on the bull ice behind another burglar ale, but they need to remember how eagerly a Sam Adams sweeps the floor. Any Brewers Reserve can eat a bar stool over a Hoptoberfest, but it takes a real Dixie Beer to reach an understanding with an overwhelmingly shabby mating ritual.
Most people believe that the line dancer near a Bacardi Silver falls in love with a Keystone light, but they need to remember how overwhelmingly a grizzly beer sweeps the floor. When a tanked Labatts feels nagging remorse, a flatulent bud light earns enough for a beer. Some Rolling Rock, a rattlesnake over a Bridgeport ESB, and a fashionable satellite brewery are what made America great! When a pin ball machine from some coors light hesitates, a Budweiser Select near the Miller returns home. A frightened Strohs overwhelmingly trades baseball cards with the dreamlike pit viper, because a Guiness writes a love letter to a blotched keg.
Dok – as always a perfect answer to the OPs post ;)
The details are fantastic and make very simple for the OP to see his issue.. But I have seen times when labatts does not always feel remorse - so I think that point is a bit of a guess on your part... The details given does not really point that being related..
Clearly this should be marked as the solution to his concerns!