Appreciate your useful links.
I have read this page.
It says I need to change some files that are located in:
/etc/rc (ascii art: you may wish to add your own ascii art file to /etc/ascii-art/your-file.txt)
/tools/installer/conf/pfSense.lua (if you want the installer to display your product name)
i386 boot files (boot loader, etc)
I am planning to edit nono PfSense, my question (which should be simple!) how can I reach those files and then save my changes to be used as a nano version (for CF storage)?
Should I use software like PowerISO to edit directly the file pfSense-2.0.2-RELEASE-512mb-i386-nanobsd-20121207-1630.img? and then reach all intended file?
Just I want to know how to start this point.