@mathais said in pfsense+ NordVPN slow speed:
What do you think about going to Torrent download sites and downloading Torrents without a VPN?
No need to use a VPN to access a torrent access point, right ?
Also, downloading something from a torrent, and "secure my network infrastructure" is imho somewhat contradictory.
@mathais said in pfsense+ NordVPN slow speed:
In France, we have HADOPI which tracks downloads.
So the VPN is useless?
I know. I've dealt ones with them. Received a first warning, and I knew it was coming as I discovered earlier that a night auditor was using one of the PC's at work (hotel !) to download 'Disney' movies during his working hours, night time. He told me : "don't worry, I only download "VO" (original, English spoken language - no french subtitles) movies so no risk". Well ... he was wrong. I received a message from HADO and he was fired for this.
He still didn't got the message afterwards, and had the great pleasure to meeting the "Disney lawyers" in court. That didn't went well at all.
On the other hand : I do something that is considered totally insane : I share 'my' (work) internet connection with an entire hotel == a whole bunch of people unknown to me, also known as my "clients". They can do whatever they want with the connection I offer. If things go downhill, no problem, the owner (the one that subscribed to the internet connection" will do some jail time or has to pay the fine.
Great. Basically, you can share your internet connection with everybody as long as you agree to assume all consequences - no exceptions.
But I discovered something : during my 20+ year of internet sharing, and ten (hundreds) of hotel clients later, I never received another HADOPI message again.
I do use pfBockerng on my hotel's captive portal access to block the most obvious IP and DNSBL destinations. That seems to do the trick, I'm not sure. Maybe people stopped doing illicit things while using a public hotel network ?
Or : right after connecting to the portal : they active their VPN.