So, great, i hope it will be implemented soon :) i am ready to test it !
Is there a time line or are you waiting another bounty, or code helper(time helper?).
Mainly time. My list of projects I want to work on is a mile long. This is definitely on it, but I'm working on rewriting the parser for the load balancing daemon we use (slb) as the current one kinda sucks. I don't have a firm date for this feature - at this time it's more of a, when I've got some of my other interesting stuff done, I'll circle back around to the load balancer as there's a few features I want to add (tcp/http layer 7 monitoring, better load balance methods, and one or two other things that might be nice) Sometimes users helping set direction with bounties or contracts such as the one that got slb in pfSense in the first place can be a good thing.
PS. I'd do just about anything for a MacBook Pro ;-PPPPPPPPP Kidding (sorta).
PPS. Anyone with yacc/lex skills, I'd love to hear from you.