I know "only" a work around that I will using in the next month by my self 😉 because my modem is also usb connected and looses here and there also the connection.
It looks then like this entry here:
Enter an option: ugen0.2: <Sierra Wireless, Incorporated MC7710> at usbus0 (disconnected)
u3g0: at uhub2, port 3, addr 1 (disconnected)
u3g0: detached
ugen0.2: <Sierra Wireless, Incorporated MC7710> at usbus0
u3g0 on uhub2
u3g0: <Sierra Wireless, Incorporated MC7710, class 0/0, rev 2.00/0.06, addr 1> on usbus0
u3g0: Found 6 ports.
And my modem is normally on ugen0.3 and so it comes that I even again and again must go back to the config
and set the new "ugen" up!
I will go with a small RapsBerry Pi 3/4 with daughter board
on top with SIM and that miniPCIe modem and a mSATA
at the bottom site. Then I can connect it to the pfSense
over ethernet! I hope then getting less disconnections.