Some more IPv6 things to learn / play with.
Better dhcpc6 status information (the PD_PREFIX is only printed once in the logs when debugging is enabled)
Option to use a PD_PREFIX "template" in other configuration fields (eg rules/wireguard) instead of hardcoding a IPv6 address in those. (might already be possible for rules?)
Make IPv6 the primary stack vs IPv4 (UI / design / thinking wise)
NAT64 / 464XLAT support so that IPv6 only networks are possible (Should be feasible for most big OS'es, expect Windows although CLAT support for non WWAN interfaces was announced, no timeline yet tho)
Better (UI) way to handle manual DNS registrations (IPv4/6) versus automatic DHCP ones (no need for DHCPv6 in my use case, SLAAC is great and the latest Windows 24H2 works with RDNSS on dual-stack)