I just updated to the latest SNAP:
built on Tue Nov 25 14:59:09 EST 2008
and the issue still exists. As before tests one and two pass fine but then I get stopped dead at test three (SSH) and four (VNC test).
Here's the logging output …..
Nov 27 10:11:56 LAN TCP
The rule that triggered this action is:
@3 block drop in log all label "Default deny rule"
@30 anchor "spoofing" all
@31 anchor "loopback" all
@32 pass in on lo0 all flags S/SA keep state label "pass loopback"
@33 pass out on lo0 all flags S/SA keep state label "pass loopback"
@34 anchor "firewallout" all
@35 pass out all flags S/SA keep state label "let out anything from firewall host itself"
@36 anchor "anti-lockout" all
@37 pass in quick on le0 from any to (le0:2) flags S/SA keep state label "anti-lockout rule"
@38 anchor "packagelate" all
@39 block drop in log quick proto tcp from sshlockout:0to any port = rsh-spx label "sshlockout"</sshlockout:0>