No configuration seems to work
That's what I found. With the Cisco DPC3939B the connection is fragile and won't work for very long. By constantly rebooting the router and pfSense I could get ipv6 to stay running for days, hours, or minutes. Reboot router first, reboot pfSense second. No pattern as to when ipv6 would quit.
I can't ditch my 5 static and I have a satellite location that has run a Netgear+pfSense for months with no ipv6 outages. I solved it by asking for a Netgear CG3000DCR. The Windows clients came up immediately and have been up for several days. The Linux clients needed a reboot to get ipv6 smart. The only lingering problem is that if the Netgear is rebooted, pfSense will not restore connectivity automatically. pfSense must be restarted. Even worse, when there is a big change, ipv6 won't work at all until I reset pfSense to defaults and start again. ipv6 is the only thing pfSense is doing and I have all the steps written down so it's done in a few minutes. Maybe I'm just deleting the DUID file in a roundabout way.
The Netgear, like the Cisco, also gives prefixes different than those requested. The difference is that the Netgear doesn't stop routing ipv6-PD in a few minutes. For the Cisco, I tried making a table of the requests to the results but when I saw that a single requested prefix could result in at least two different received prefixes, and no pattern to which you would get, I gave up.
Trouble is the switch chip on the Netgear runs way too hot. The new Netgear arrived with 2 ports already burned out. I'm going to rig up fans to keep the other two from burning out too fast.
One thing that became clear after many months of testing is that pfSense ipv6 routing is not compatible with vlans using a single port. You must have multiple ports.
I don't use SLAAC. DHCPv6 clients can be forced by the DHCP server to give up their addresses. Once you hand out a SLAAC address, it is difficult to force the clients to give them up. When I see ipv6 not working I can just shut it down until I get it working again.
My testing and reading shows this:
Netgear: ipv6-PD works. I have not seen reported the timeout bug so this may be solved.
SMC: ipv6-PD does not work.
Cisco: ipv6-PD works for a short time.
I keep hoping that pfSense or Comcast fix the bugs wherever they may lie and it keeps not happening. I've considered giving up and just running ipv6-nat just to maintain continuous connectivity. Pinging from the pfSense interface address always works so long as you stay away from vlans. It's the PD routing that breaks down all the time. That the dashboard has no information about PD doesn't help.