Just noticed as I've just installed snort (15:22 local time), firstly it wasnt showing in the packages, but having installed it, the below text is visable on the snort updates page.
Snort VRT Rules Not Enabled Not Enabled
Snort GPLv2 Community Rules e9cef31b25866760230a34cca074e854 Saturday, 10-Jan-15 13:01:08 GMT
Emerging Threats Open Rules 1fe055c19fea21900ea4442022559ff5 Saturday, 10-Jan-15 13:01:09 GMT
Snort OpenAppID Detectors Not Enabled Not Enabled
Would this also be connected to the snort.sh script?
No, this is simply showing that upon the reinstall, Snort detected an existing configuration in the config.xml file and acted upon those settings. Snort's settings are stored in the _<installed_packages></installed_packages>_section.
Just to be clear, this was a fresh memstick install this morning, restored a backup but later decided to abort it so I chose to use the option 4 on the console, reset to factory defaults.
Is it possible the Reset to factory defaults is not resetting everything ie there are still traces of apps & settings from packages left over?
I could not see anything in the xml backup related to snort apart from "snort_alerts-" found in the <widgets><sequence>section having done the factory reset.
I have not tested this, but it very well could be that the reset to factory defaults only resets the pfSense firewall settings and leaves any existing packages information in the aforementioned _<installed_packges></installed_packges>_section of config.xml alone.
Edit 2
Snort, Wan, Wan Catagories tab.
Resolve Flowbits If checked, Snort will auto-enable rules required for checked flowbits. The Default is Checked.
Its not checked.
Edit 3
Enable SSH Detection The SSH preprocessor detects various Secure Shell exploit attempts.
Its checked as default, but all other comments state in this section of
is to have "Default is Checked." after the comment.
General Preprocessors
Enable RPC Decode and Back Orifice detector Normalize/Decode RPC traffic and detects Back Orifice traffic on the network. Default is Checked.
Enable DCE/RPC2 Detection The DCE/RPC preprocessor detects and decodes SMB and DCE/RPC traffic. Default is Checked.
Enable SIP Detection The SIP preprocessor decodes SIP traffic and detects vulnerabilities. Default is Checked.
Enable GTP Detection The GTP preprocessor decodes GPRS Tunneling Protocol traffic and detects intrusion attempts.
Enable SSH Detection The SSH preprocessor detects various Secure Shell exploit attempts.
Enable DNS Detection The DNS preprocessor decodes DNS response traffic and detects vulnerabilities. Default is Checked.
Enable SSL Data SSL data searches for irregularities during SSL protocol exchange. Default is Checked.
should be
General Preprocessors
Enable RPC Decode and Back Orifice detector Normalize/Decode RPC traffic and detects Back Orifice traffic on the network. Default is Checked.
Enable DCE/RPC2 Detection The DCE/RPC preprocessor detects and decodes SMB and DCE/RPC traffic. Default is Checked.
Enable SIP Detection The SIP preprocessor decodes SIP traffic and detects vulnerabilities. Default is Checked.
Enable GTP Detection The GTP preprocessor decodes GPRS Tunneling Protocol traffic and detects intrusion attempts.
Enable SSH Detection The SSH preprocessor detects various Secure Shell exploit attempts. Default is Checked.
Enable DNS Detection The DNS preprocessor decodes DNS response traffic and detects vulnerabilities. Default is Checked.
Enable SSL Data SSL data searches for irregularities during SSL protocol exchange. Default is Checked.
Only cosmetic. :)
Thanks for reporting these inconsistencies. I will look into them and fix them as necessary. There have been at least three different sets of "hands" modifying the Snort package over the years, and there is some inconsistency here and there in all the PHP code. For example, in some cases Boolean parameters in the config are stored as "yes" or "no", while in other places it may be "on" or "off". I have been trying to clean those up.