Ok. Good news. I have had positive results here. Sarg is compiling reports for four days now and real-time has not crashed either. So if you are having any problems here is what I have done to resolve reporting issues. This is on a 64-bit system.
This is for a transparent proxy with a port foward redirect to dansguardian. My Sarg config pulls its' reports from the dansguardian access log. Not the squid log. I do not know of any issues with any different proxy and Sarg config.
1. Navigate to /var/log/dansguardian and delete all access logs in this directory.
2. Create a schedule in Sarg to get all necessary directories and access logs created. Force a report update and save it. Navigate to var/log/dansguardian. Here you need to see access.log.
Now navigate to usr/pbi/sarg-amd64/local. Here you need to see the sarg-reports directory. You may need to restart the firewall as I did. When you have all directories and files proceed to
the next step.
3. Run these commands.
rm -rf /usr/local/sarg-reports
ln -s /usr/pbi/sarg-amd64/local/sarg-reports /usr/local/sarg-reports
Force a report update
Navigate to /usr/local/ you should see the linked sarg-reports directory. If it is a file and not a directory delete the file and run step 3 again. You should now have a directory and Sarg should
now be able to retrieve the reports.
HOLD ON! We're not done yet.
Now delete the schedule you created in Sarg. You will need to have cron installed for the next steps.
Create these jobs in the cron utility. The time can be of your preference. The who and command fields are most important here. Also I would keep the wildcards where they are.
minute hour mday month wday who command
0 */8 * * * root /usr/local/etc/rc.d/squid.sh
0 */8 * * * root /usr/pbi/sarg-amd64/bin/sarg
These two commands restart the proxy and run sarg reporting at the command line level. A cron command is created by the schedule you create in Sarg but from what I have gathered it is broken for some reason after a couple of days of reporting and the logs are not showing any errors related to this which is what confused me.
With what I have done here I have not had any issues with reporting or real-time crashing thus far.
Good Luck! Hope this helps you.