What is your pfBlockerng version ??
This is the latest version :
Your questions :
The DNSBL feeds activated will "block" the access to the listed sites. (not only websites).
Add "web.whatsapp.com" and all other whatsapp.com related domains to a list and you're ok. There was a whatsapp forum post no so long in the past. Keep in mind that whatsapp == facebook so you might have to block entire "AS".
pfBlockerng had possibilities to include exclude certain LAN devces. See the very old forum posts about how to do so.
The newer (from yesterday) pfBlockerng-devel uses a simpler approach :
@mohdikramsaif said in pfblockerng:
Kindly share your suggestion
Have a look (abuse the search button) most of not all questions are already answered on the pfblockerng support forum.