Curious whay 23.01 is running FreeBSD 14.0-CURRENT instead of a 13.x-RELEASE
14.0 isn't close to building BETA release candidates why is pfSense using it as a production base?
I'm not slamming the decision, I'm just interested in the decision risk/benefit decision.
You'll find the reasoning on this forum, the Netgate Youtube channel, the Netgate's logs etc.
One reason : Netgate contributes to FreeBSD, so what has been added 'today', and ones accepted, had to be back-ported (if possible) so it was avaible in pfSense.
Another known reason is PHP 7.x is going EOL. There is no PHP 8.x in FreeBSD from before 14.x -
@gertjan I did a search for "14.0-CURRENT" before I posted and there was only one hit, and that wasn't related to the reasoning.
Thanks for the reply, that's all I was looking for. Makes sense at a high level, but I still have concerns about code changes from other 14.0 contributors not getting feedback from a wider testing base a BETA release would see vs. dev snapshots.
@steveits Perfect. Thanks!