VPN Issues and odd SADs and SPDs
Good afternoon,
I have configured a site-to-site VPN tunnel with a client with two IPs of interesting traffic, we'll call my side, MyIPA and MyIPB. The VPN tunnel will come up but I only see the MyIPB rule under Status > IPsec. When they try and send traffic I can see it under a packet capture but never see a response go back to them. I am currently reviewing that problem but stumbled across the following:
When I look at the SADs everything looks okay. When I look at the SPDs I see a duplication of the rows I would expect for both "Inbound" and "Outbound" Directions.
Going back to the interesting traffic, I defined the rules as:
MyIPA is allowed to talk with YourIPA
MyIPB is allowed to talk with YourIPBAnd I would expect both Inbound and Outbound to have two rows indicating the above. Instead, I have 4 rows for Inbound and 4 for Outbound, stating:
Source Destination
MyIPB YourIPBWhen I was on a call with the client, (Cisco FW), yesterday, it sounded like they grouped their rules such that our IPs could talk to both of theirs where I specifically defined the relations.
Could this be causing the SPD observation and could that be part of the problem?