Problem with starting bandwidthd
Did you edit the settings for bandwidthd and press "Save" there?
Yes, I did, many times, but without success.
Any errors in the system log or on the console?
No, nothing.
What settings are you using for bandwidthd? (Either type them out or get a full screenshot)
That isn't a syslog error, just an informational message.
As for the settings, it may be ok⦠but try unchecking the output_cdf/recover_cdf option, just as a test, and also remove the IP filter.
Without them..same result.
Also I have check/uncheck all of themβ¦and reinstall the bandwidthd pack 3 times. -
Take a look at this post from Zedisha,33274.msg172648.html#msg172648
This just worked for me on my 2.0Beta5 box. Thinking some of the files in the package need to be updated for the 2.0. There will be warnings but nothing to worry about I think.
From the cmd line, type:
pkg_delete bandwidthd-2.0.1_4 pkg_add -r bandwidthd
Yes, this solution helps ;) , but if you change the IP adress again same error. Maybe this is bug in that version of pfsense.
I have this problem to, when u install the package from the GUI the config file its bad created.
# Subnets to collect statistics on. Traffic that # matches none of these subnets will be ignored. # Syntax is either IP Subnet Mask or CIDR subnet subnet
The blank subnet makes and error and the service does not start, what i do its delete the both subnets, put the config again the GUI and restart the service, that seems to work, but now i have repeated subnets.
If i delete one or both, at restart have these two again :-\
# Subnets to collect statistics on. Traffic that # matches none of these subnets will be ignored. # Syntax is either IP Subnet Mask or CIDR subnet subnet
Looks like that field was missing some input validation. If you reinstall the package it should pick up this change and work better: