PfSense 2.2: ntpd keeps terminating and restarting
Would not hold my breath. I mean… how much funding you need to stop doing retarded things like binding to each and every interface that exists on the box? People have been complaining and bugging upstream regarding this for ages.
The Linux folks are sending some love (and money) to the NTP developers and that is likely to transfer over to BSD fairly quickly. I'd rather see it fixed up that see a bunch of different options competing for funds and time.
The NTP developers that LF is funding are PHK mentioned above, and Harlan Stenn, the current canonical ntpd maintainer, and they concluded that starting over was the best approach, hence Ntimed. From the PHK link above:
I spent a couple of months going through a lot of the source code, and there is a lot of it: 100 KLOC, looking for bad news, and fortunately I only found a few minor nits, worrying, but not advisory material.
100.000 lines of code is insane for a program which basically steers your clock to some remote server, it can be done in 1000 lines if you really squeeze it.
At the end of my review, I concluded that trying to slim down the current monster would be a lot more work and effort than simply starting from scratch.
Would not hold my breath. I mean… how much funding you need to stop doing retarded things like binding to each and every interface that exists on the box? People have been complaining and bugging upstream regarding this for ages.
In ntp 4.2.8 you can use 'interface' to specify which interfaces ntpd should bind to. I can't remember exactly when this was introduced, though pfSense has used it for some time. I haven't checked git, though I suspect pfSense used it from the time openntpd was dropped. pfSense shipped a ntp 4.2.7 build for some time before 4.2.8 was released. Whilst 4.2.7 was nominally a development version, the long delay between 4.2.6 and 4.2.8 meant that the 4.2.7 development builds were a better choice for some time in the run up to the 4.2.8 release.
Part of the problem for FreeBSD users is that the base system is doggedly sticking with the ancient ntp 4.2.4 plus security patches, so there is no support for 'interface' or 'pool'. ntp 4.2.8p1 is in ports (devel/ntp).
Though the fixes in 4.2.8p1 are minor (and I don't think the security fix is relevant to pfSense), it might be worth pfSense 2.2.1 updating to the latest release. It would also be good to see pfSense's configuration interface to allow configuration using 'pool' as an alternative to 'server', as well as specifying a pool or server as -4 (use IPv4) or -6 (use IPv6).
As has been said, work is underway on a scratch ntp reimplementation by PHK, which will initially target stratum >1 servers. I'm not sure a final decision has been made on what to do with reference clock drivers, though the view has been expressed that the reference clock drivers should move out of the ntpd daemon.
Autokey is going to be replaced by something else - it was rarely implemented by server operators, is incompatible with NAT and there was no real concept of public trust roots. The crypto code in ntpd was often the source of security problems in ntp. I do use Autokey on my network, but it's a pain to configure correctly and requires any server using Autokey against a remote ntp server to have a no-NAT address (not a problem for IPv6, but tricky with IPv4 unless, like me, you have multiple IPv4 addresses or an IPv4 netblock).
It's possible that some current ntp methods will not be supported in PHK's implementation, though I haven't been following discussions closely enough to know the latest thinking here. In particular, I wonder whether the symmetric and broadcast modes are still needed, or whether manycast suffices these days. I find manycast works very well on IPv6 on my network, not least as IPv6 tends to do the right thing when it comes to multicast (which ntp's manycast functionality relies on).
In ntp 4.2.8 you can use 'interface' to specify which interfaces ntpd should bind to.
Sure like hell does nothing useful wrt binding in any ISC NTPd version and sure like hell never ever worked.
$ ntpd --version ntpd 4.2.8@1.3265-o Mon Dec 22 14:36:36 UTC 2014 (1) $ grep interface /var/etc/ntpd.conf interface ignore all interface listen ste0 $ netstat -an | grep .123 udp6 0 0 ::1.123 *.* udp4 0 0 *.* udp6 0 0 2001:470:dead:beef:1.123 *.* udp6 0 0 fe80::21f:c6ff:f.123 *.* udp4 0 0 *.* udp4 0 0 *.123 *.* udp6 0 0 *.123 *.*
Though the fixes in 4.2.8p1 are minor (and I don't think the security fix is relevant to pfSense), it might be worth pfSense 2.2.1 updating to the latest release.
pfSense 2.2 is already on 4.2.8.
Already It would also be good to see pfSense's configuration interface to allow configuration using 'pool' as an alternative to 'server', as well as specifying a pool or server as -4 (use IPv4) or -6 (use IPv6).
Support is there, just not yet in the gui or php code. To make experimental changes to your config, behind the gui, edit /etc/inc/, function system_ntp_configure around line 1492. Otherwise, manual edits to /var/etc/ntpd.conf will be overwritten. Otherwise you can open a feature request ticket in redmine.
Autokey is going to be replaced by something else
IETF 'Network Time Security', work is in progress. Draft:
But this is drifting away from pfSense; maybe better continued on the pfSense Development forum area. -
Looking at options, pool would be good but how would peer be for an additional choice? I'm no ntp expert but I saw it when reading the man and web pages and it seemed like something I could use here on my little network.
This is what I'm seeing on my 2.2 pfSense box, WAN, LAN and OPT1 ports are configured.
[2.2-RELEASE][root@pfSense.home]/root: ntpd --version ntpd 4.2.8@1.3265-o Mon Dec 22 14:36:40 UTC 2014 (1) [2.2-RELEASE][root@pfSense.home]/root: grep interface /var/etc/ntpd.conf interface ignore all interface listen em1 [2.2-RELEASE][root@pfSense.home]/root: netstat -an | grep .123 udp6 0 0 ::1.123 *.* udp4 0 0 *.* udp4 0 0 *.* udp6 0 0 fe80::21b:21ff:f.123 *.* udp4 0 0 *.123 *.* udp6 0 0 *.123 *.*
Been running NTP server on pfsense for years (because I either need it so much or just like turning things on - Not sure)
Anyway, its never had a problem. -
I am experiencing this issue, also. Packages are restarted when OpenVPN hiccups. Not sure why NTP should care about this since it only listens on my local LAN.
I am experiencing this issue, also. Packages are restarted when OpenVPN hiccups. Not sure why NTP should care about this since it only listens on my local LAN.
Please try the following patches: they simply remove the ntp reconfiguration and kill/restart from the files /etc/inc/newwanip and /etc/inc/newwanipv6. The packages will still be restarted. This will let ntpd use its own code for detecting interface changes. Should also help with and
I've tried to walk through the earlier revisions for these files to see when these lines were added, but couldn't find anything applicable. I suspect they date from when openntpd was being used, which did not handle dynamic interface scanning like the current ntpd does.
--- rc.newwanip.orig 2015-01-22 15:39:45.000000000 -0500 +++ rc.newwanip 2015-03-01 12:41:43.000000000 -0500 @@ -47,8 +47,6 @@ global $oldip, $curwanip, $g; /* restart packages */ - system_ntp_configure(false); - mwexec_bg("/usr/local/sbin/", true); log_error("{$g['product_name']} package system has detected an IP change or dynamic WAN reconnection - $oldip -> $curwanip - Restarting packages."); send_event("service reload packages"); } --- rc.newwanipv6.orig 2015-01-22 15:39:45.000000000 -0500 +++ rc.newwanipv6 2015-03-01 12:42:07.000000000 -0500 @@ -48,8 +48,6 @@ global $oldipv6, $curwanipv6, $g; /* restart packages */ - system_ntp_configure(false); - mwexec_bg("/usr/local/sbin/", true); log_error("{$g['product_name']} package system has detected an IP change or dynamic WAN reconnection - $oldipv6 -> $curwanipv6 - Restarting packages."); send_event("service reload packages"); }
Please try the following patches: they simply remove the ntp reconfiguration and kill/restart from the files /etc/inc/newwanip and /etc/inc/newwanipv6. The packages will still be restarted. This will let ntpd use its own code for detecting interface changes. Should also help with and
Has anyone tried this and had it resolve their issue and not break anything? I'm pretty confident that's a fine change, and it seems like it should avoid the crash described here. I made this change in 2.3 as part of
I'm pretty confident that's a fine change, and it seems like it should avoid the crash described here. I made this change in 2.3 as part of
Yeah, I'm confident it's a fine change as well, though obviously the core issue is somewhere else (i.e., in the ntpd code). Unfortunately, unless you backport fixes to usable pfSense branch, it's like if you did nothing.
[Has anyone tried this and had it resolve their issue and not break anything? I'm pretty confident that's a fine change, and it seems like it should avoid the crash described here. I made this change in 2.3 as part of
[/quote]Well, my machines have worked OK with that patch since before I posted it. No known breakage, but I guess I don't count as a second opinion :)
Looking forward to testing 2.3….
Well, my machines have worked OK with that patch since before I posted it. No known breakage, but I guess I don't count as a second opinion :)
Your first opinion is appreciated regardless. :) Wasn't clear from your earlier post if you were running it at all at the time, or were still running it now 6 months after the fact.