Variables for spamd
I'm trying to figure out the variables to put in rejection notices for spamd. Something like```
Rejected as potential spam due to the server $&{client_addr} is listed in the Blacklist $&{RBL_name}. Please see http://www.$&{RBL_name}=$&{client_addr}?I'm sure it's possible I just don't know where or how to do it in the webgui. The pfsense and spamd package is great so far!
You can setup RBL entries in the blacklist area. Is that what you are wanting or do you want to know what all the variables are available?
I'm really impressed with and appreciate the quick answer!
What I'm trying to do is similar to what Exchange 2003 does in the rejection message. This is wht I have as one of the filtering rules on an Exchange rejection message:Message refused due to possible SPAM from your mail server IP address: %0 which is listed in %2 Please contact your ISP or Email Administrator. Possible information and evidence may be found
The variables I'm looking for would be where it says %0 is IP of the sender %2 is the blacklist name (That one isn't that important, the IP of the sender is the one I'm really interested in.
When setting up or editing an external list, do I put the variable in the "Reject message" textbox or the "Provider URL or Filename" textbox? Or does it matter?Upadate: Just the variables available would be great. I'll blacklist one of my outside mail servers and try it.
%A expands to the IP in the blacklist.
Since each blacklist is added individually then you know what database url to insert for each response.
I couldn't locate any other variables in but if you come across any others, please let me know.