Cannot connect to my unraid gui
Hi all,
I am new to pfsense as well as the forums. I am also a beginner when it comes to networking and pfsense in general. I have basically fuddled my way through installing and setting up my pfsense box while resetting to factory defaults numerous times because I can't access the pfsense gui, other lan ports not working, etc.
As far as I can tell I have set up my box with a quad port intel nic in bridge mode and it seems to be working fine for accessing the internet; however it appears to not be passing information between systems on the network. I am not sure if this is what the problem is exactly but I do know that I cannot access my server's ui and pinging the the server comes back with nothing. But when I access the pfsense ui it shows that the server is connected on the dashboard.
I realize there is probably information that I need to be adding to this post, please just let me know what information you would like to know. Like I said I am new to this.
Thank you in advance for all your help, I really appreciate it.
The usual details required would be your WAN/LAN details and your LAN firewall rules. Take some screenshots and post them here. Make sure to obscure any public IP details on the screen shots you post.
I have set up my box with a quad port intel nic in bridge mode
Why? What are you trying to accomplish?
Traffic on the same LAN segment doesn't touch pfSense. If your clients are on different networks, then you should be able to access from LAN to OPTx but you will need to add a rule to the OPTx interface if you want to initiate traffic from OPTx to LAN.
I guess I should also mention that I have done quite a bit of reading on the subject as well and cannot seem to find a solution in the forums. I followed the instructions in the wiki when setting up the bridge so I think I did that right but maybe someone can guide me in this area.
All help is appreciated. Thank you.
As far as I can tell I have set up my box with a quad port intel nic in bridge mode
I would delete that bridge and get a switch, but that's just me.
I figured it out. Thanks for all your help everyone ;).
If you want to know what was wrong or what I did send me a message.