Setting up vpn on different subnets with SG-1000 and isolated network [SOLVED]
Hello! :)
I wanted to know if it is possible to apply a VPN connection to a specific subnet or mac address - so the devices always connect using the VPN connection (Private Internet Access VPN).
This all being controlled by the SG-1000 microFirewall.Also, how well do the Ubiquiti UniFi UAP-AC-LR work with PfSense? I want to isolate the wireless network it produces, and hide the default router (SG-1000), so users connected to the wireless network cannot see it.
Is all this possible? I just wanted to know before i went and bought those two items ::).
Please let me know if more details are needed, or if this is posted in the wrong place!
Thanks! ;D
if it is possible to apply a VPN connection to a specific subnet or mac address
IP address or subnet - yes. MAC address - no.
and hide the default router (SG-1000), so users connected to the wireless network cannot see it.
How do you hide a gateway?
You would "hide" the router from the wireless clients with the necessary and proper firewall rules, if I am understanding the requirements correctly.
You would "hide" the router from the wireless clients with the necessary and proper firewall rules, if I am understanding the requirements correctly.
That is exactly what i was trying to explain.. :)
Making it isolated, so they have a different gateway, and cannot view or snoop any information/clients on the other networks.
Do you know if the Ubiquiti UniFi UAP-AC-LR works well with pfSense?
Thanks! :D
pfSense doesn't care what APs you use, unless they're somehow broken.
Off topic but… have the SG-1000's started shipping?? I ordered a couple and am eagerly awaiting them. It seems the OP here already has his.
2.4 is required. It's not in beta yet.
pfSense doesn't care what APs you use, unless they're somehow broken.
Alright, gotcha. Thanks a lot for the help!
Going to start ordering it all now ::)