Trim Assistance
Fellow members:
I have Pfsense 2.4.2_1 running with a Samsung 850 Pro (256Gb). I have tried follow the commands and process for turning on Trim but have not been successful.
I obtained the SSD drive information as the following:
/dev/gptid/45a16a44-0122-11e8-a969-001b218d29b8 /
What sequence of commands is required to turn on Trim.
I typed tunefs -p / at the command prompt and the system indicates Trim is disabled.
Any assistance would be appreciated.
Please see the old thread
Thanks for the suggestion. Still can not get Trim to enable.
Reboot to single user (wait some time after it shows on your screen)
/sbin/tunefs -t enable /and then:
/sbin/shutdown -r nowto verify:
tunefs -p / -
Fellow Member:
Thanks for the assistance. The steps you outlined worked perfectly. The single user boot was the key.