Can't ping from opt1
Is the WAN2 in the balancing-pool status offline?
What do you use as monitor-IP? -
it is always online be coz i monitor gateway
Is the gateway on the ISP's side?
Since it's a private IP i suppose not.
Use the first hop on the ISP's side as monitor IP.Did you actually use the balancing pool in the firewall rule on your LAN as gateway?
i cannot use 1st hope isp gateway as monitor becoz its dynamic it changes
and do use the balancing pool in the firewall rule on LAN as gateway -
i cannot use 1st hope isp gateway as monitor becoz its dynamic it changes
This cannot be.
Otherwise your modem would lose connectivity whenever your ISP moves the IP of the gateway.
Can you show the two traces from a computer directly connected to the modems?Can you show a screenshot of your LAN-firewallrules?
gateway changes whenever i disconnect and reconnect internet i can't stay connected 24hrs isp reset connections after 24 hrs ….i post firewall rules soon
gateway changes whenever i disconnect and reconnect internet i can't stay connected 24hrs isp reset connections after 24 hrs
Now that is a hell of a strange ISP…
You could do a traceroute everytime you have a different IP/gateway and see from which point on you always take the same route.
Then use this IP as monitoring-IP. (Since it's always reachabel over the same way no matter what gateway you have)@
Rules are processed from top to down.
If a rule catches the rest of the rules is no longer considered.
Per default a "block all" rule is always in place (invisible below your own rules).Traffic is filtered on the Interface on which traffic comes in.
So traffic comming in on the LAN-Interface will only be processed by the rules you define on the LAN tab.Your second rule is never doing anything :)
Now that is a hell of a strange ISP
yes bcoz i m from india
(Since it's always reachabel over the same way no matter what gateway you have)
wht u say has point but i need add static route whichever ip need to reach beyond adsl modem tht means i need to change routes whenever gateway changes
pfSense automatically creates static routes to the correct gateway for the monitor IP's.
you don't get my point . i mean to say is i can't reach any public ip from wan1 interface without adding static route manually in pfsense thats the prob
Then reread this again and think about it ;)
Rules are processed from top to down.
If a rule catches the rest of the rules is no longer considered.
Per default a "block all" rule is always in place (invisible below your own rules).Traffic is filtered on the Interface on which traffic comes in.
So traffic comming in on the LAN-Interface will only be processed by the rules you define on the LAN tab.Your second rule is never doing anything :)
Your first rule (which is NOT loadbalancing) always catches.
if i make load balancing the first rule internet stop working i don't mean stop working u can say like if i open a webpage i need to refresh page 2 times before it opens
What do you use as DNS server?
i use open dns servers
On the clients directly or on the pfSense?
If it's on the pfSense you need to create a static route for one of the DNS-entries to the second WAN.
Otherwise pfSense cannot resolve any DNS-requests while the primary WAN is down. -
thank u very much for ur support i finally solved the prob
wht i did reinstalled pfsense and now i m monitoring next hop isp gateway as u said and added a static route
for dns server on opt interface load balancing is working fine thank u once again