pfSense router not connecting after update
@eiger3970-0 said in pfSense router not connecting after update:
So, how do I find out what’s happened to the router, post update?
This :
@gertjan said in pfSense router not connecting after update:
The console access was invented. It's time to have a look. Actually, you should always have a look on this one, whatever happens (even when it works).
What do you see when it starts up ? etc.There is something in this part that you didn't understand ?
? When the router starts up, I see nothing. Ping error: Destination Host Unreachable.
So you don't understand.
When you build your firewall/router, there was a dsik, RAM, at least two network interfaces, etc.
But no OS - no pfSense.
This means : no network access - no GUI.
How did you set it up ? You couldn't use the NIC's ....Or consider this situation : your disk became bad : the OS doesn't start anymore, or some network driver becomes unreadable : the result is the same : no more network access.
Again : how did you set up your device when it becomes inaccessible using the network interfaces ?
You throw it away ?
Or you start reading pages like ;) -
I built the router years ago.
The router had the most recent update, until I saw a new update on 20181226.
The router sounds to be booting correctly, due to the beep sound once booted.
Router has worked fine until this latest update.Question: is there a way for me to see the router’s GUI...remember ping fails...perhaps a direct video cable into the router?
I’m not sure a serial port screen will show what IP address is on the router for access. -
How can I see the router’s settings? Ping says Destination Address Unreachable.
I am trying now like the original build, to connect a serial cable from the router to a VGA that right? -
Answer question from please.
How did you install pfSense in the first place ?
Your device should have a console or serial access. It's actually the most important access to your router. The GUI is a nice thing to have when every thing is up and going, and good for daily maintenance tasks.Does your router has a graphics card and a USB ? Then hook up a VGA monitor and keyboard. You'll be having the same access and view.
I advice also that you read the book, and look up everything that is related to this access.
Btw : are you reay using versions like "20181226" on a device that you actually use ? Dev versions are ok for investigation, and tests ...
Strange : the ones who use dev versions are able to kick start their router when ever needed : the just go back to the version before, or solve the bug. All this using the console or local (screen) access. -
Well, this is the first occasion the router is not accessible via my LAN computer.
The hardware I listed at the top of post 1 will show if there’s a graphic card in the hardware (remember I have no router, hence no Internet).
I can’t remember exactly as I built the router years ago. I installed pfSense onto a memory card on my computer with a memory card reader in the computer’s USB port. I then placed the memory card into the router and installed via serial cable screens. This bit I can’t remember exactly.
The date 20181226 (YYYYMMDD) is not a version. I can’t remember the version details, so I listed the date of the most recent software on the router, before the latest update broke the router.
I used the YYYYMMDD format to avoid confusion as some parts of the world have not yet progressed to this universal format. E.g.: UK DDMMYYYY, US MMDDYYYY. This is another discussion, however YYYYMMDD is universal and works best (just try naming your files with a non-universal format and see what happens).I have just connected a serial cable into the router and the other end of the cable fits into my cimputer’s USB port. The router has booted up (I hear the beep sounds), however the computer recognises no device.
I might need to use puTTY, but I can’t download puTTY as the computer has no Internet. Would a shell like Terminal from my Linux Mint machine connect? -
On my computer with the router connected with a serial to USB cable, Shell > arp -a > Enter > ? ( at <incomplete> on enp3s0
This looks promising as is the router’s LAN IP address.
Hmm, same arp result with the router’s USB cable disconnected from the computer?
I just tried a router serial cable to a VGA monitor, however no output on the monitor?
So, is there a way to check the Transcend 8GB 10 microSD HC card has a working pfSense operating system on it?
The computer sees the card as /dev/sdc. -
@eiger3970-0 said in pfSense router not connecting after update:
Found the doc.
Also the operating manual is a serial "RS232" bull modem cable access.
A soon as the cable access works (a serial cable can not be connected to a VGA screen - it should be connected to a serial cable plug on your PC, or you use a Serial to USB converter) you have access to the boot sequence of your device.
If pfSense boots, you will wind up with a screen like this :pfSense - Netgate Device ID: 20bb46df95386fe7e087 *** Welcome to pfSense 2.4.4-RELEASE-p1 (amd64) on pfsense *** WAN (wan) -> rl0 -> v4/DHCP4: LAN (lan) -> fxp0 -> v4: v6: 2001:470:1f13:5c0:2::1/64 PORTAL (opt1) -> sis0 -> v4: HENETV6 (opt2) -> gif0 -> v6: 2001:470:1ee2:5c0::2/128 VPN (opt3) -> ovpns1 -> v4: v6: 2001:470:ccea:2::1/64 OPT4 (opt4) -> fxp0.10 -> v4: 0) Logout (SSH only) 9) pfTop 1) Assign Interfaces 10) Filter Logs 2) Set interface(s) IP address 11) Restart webConfigurator 3) Reset webConfigurator password 12) PHP shell + pfSense tools 4) Reset to factory defaults 13) Update from console 5) Reboot system 14) Disable Secure Shell (sshd) 6) Halt system 15) Restore recent configuration 7) Ping host 16) Restart PHP-FPM 8) Shell Enter an option:
But you will probably see "problems" that disables the boot.
You be anything like bad ram, bad disk.
The system would boot some BIOS first. This BIOS will start setting up the serial connection - see manual for settings. These settings should be the same on your PC, like speed etc.
The BIOS will find all attached drives, and if one is bootable, it will load the OS from it = pfSense.
Then the OS kicks in.No need to remove the drive and test it : you should check if you can boot (and thus at least : is it readable) from it.
Btw : myself, I don't use a device like an APU, I have an old PC loaded with network cards, an old fashioned hard disk, it has a graphics card and so my console access is a VGA screen + keyboard : no need to use the serial access.
edit : See for another APC thread and an example of the console access.
Thanks. I tried a serial cable in the router and a USB cable into the computer, however no device recognised.
It appears the Linux computer needs the Shell Terminal to have ‘cu’ installed, so the serial cable will read the router.
This means I have to unbridge the modem so the computer can receive Internet. -
screen should be installed by default on most linux distro's.
Apparently not, unless you know of another program to view via the serial cable?
@eiger3970-0 said in pfSense router not connecting after update:
It appears the Linux computer needs the Shell Terminal to have ‘cu’ installed, so the serial cable will read the router.
This means I have to unbridge the modem so the computer can receive Internet.Yeah this is the sort of procedure that should be worked out before the firewall fails. It's a good reason to always watch an upgrade on the console. You can see everything that is happening and, if something does go wrong, you have already worked out the console access necessary to see what's happening and you know you have all the parts and software necessary before you need them.
It is also a good idea to reboot the router once before upgrading because many times it is the restart itself that exposes a bad disk or other hardware issue. The upgrade is almost always blamed though it had nothing to do with the failure.
minicom is another, but chances are your syntax is not correct.
should be something like:
sudo screen /dev/tty??? 115200
Thanks for the alternate command suggestion.
Unfortunately, screen is also not installed.
Also, I don’t know the serial cable tty id. -
ls -l /dev/tty*
???Look at the system log when you connect it?
Look at the dmesg output and see if, when you boot, the system tells you what tty device node is attached to each serial port?
Look at the linux manual pages for your distribution for connecting to a serial port?