Partition issue during reinstall
New pfsense user here. I just recently installed 2.4.4 on a PC Engines APU4c4 with a Dogfish Msata 120GB disk. I accepted all the defaults and didn't notice any issues/errors during the install. After setting up basic interface and NAT settings I decided to move it to my wiring closet but it never fully booted and was stuck at the db prompt.
I'm trying to re-install from scratch but I'm getting stuck partitioning the drive. I'm selecting the Auto (UFS) Guided Disk Setup, selecting to use the Entire Disk, then selecting GPT partition scheme. The partitions are laid out as follows:
lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqPartition Editorqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk x Please review the disk setup. When complete, press x x the Finish button. x xlqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqkx xxada0112 GB GPT xx xx ada0p1 512 KB freebsd-boot xx xx ada0p2 108 GB freebsd-ufs / xx xx ada0p3 3.8 GB freebsd-swap none xx xxda0 15 GB MBR xx xx da0s1 800 KB !239 xx xx da0s2 711 MB BSD xx xx da0s2a 711 MB freebsd-ufs xx xmqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqv(+)jx tqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu x<Create> <Delete> <Modify> <Revert> < Auto > <Finish> x mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj
When I select Finish, then Commit, I see a quick flash that indicates some kind of failure on ada0p2, then I get the following error:
lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqErrorqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk x Error mounting partition /mnt: x x mount: x x /dev/gptid/b4ef88c8-f727-11e7-a1aa-000 x x db951a560: Invalid argument x tqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu x < OK > x mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj
If I go through the same process, but with MBR, I get the following error:
lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqErrorqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk x Error mounting partition /mnt: x x mount: /dev/ufsid/5a52111b2a87aba9: R/W mount x x of / denied. Filesystem is not clean - run x x fsck. Forced mount will invalidate journal x x contents: Operation not permitted x tqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu x < OK > x mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj
I poked around with gpart in the shell and I figured I would destroy the partition table and start from scratch, but once I destroy it, I get two entries for "diskid/DISK-AA". I'm not sure what they mean and I'm not even sure how to continue with the install after manually partitioning the disk. You can see details below. Any assistance would be appreciated.
# gpart show ada0 => 63 234441585 ada0 MBR (112G) 63 1 - free - (512B) 64 234441583 1 freebsd [active] (112G) 234441647 1 - free - (512B) # gpart delete -i 1 ada0 ada0s1 deleted # gpart destroy ada0 ada0 destroyed # gpart show => 1 30719999 da0 MBR (15G) 1 1600 1 !239 (800K) 1601 1456848 2 freebsd [active] (711M) 1458449 73728 3 fat32 (36M) 1532177 29187823 - free - (14G) => 0 1456848 da0s2 BSD (711M) 0 16 - free - (8.0K) 16 1456832 1 freebsd-ufs (711M) => 63 234441585 diskid/DISK-AA000000000000000956 MBR (112G) 63 1 - free - (512B) 64 234441583 1 freebsd [active] (112G) 234441647 1 - free - (512B) => 0 234441583 diskid/DISK-AA000000000000000956s1 BSD (112G) 0 226492416 1 freebsd-ufs (108G) 226492416 7949166 2 freebsd-swap (3.8G) 234441582 1 - free - (512B) # gpart create -s gpt ada0 ada0 created # gpart add -s 512K -t freebsd-boot ada0 ada0p1 added # gpart add -s 108G -t freebsd-ufs ada0 ada0p2 added # gpart add -t freebsd-swap ada0 ada0p3 added # gpart show => 1 30719999 da0 MBR (15G) 1 1600 1 !239 (800K) 1601 1456848 2 freebsd [active] (711M) 1458449 73728 3 fat32 (36M) 1532177 29187823 - free - (14G) => 0 1456848 da0s2 BSD (711M) 0 16 - free - (8.0K) 16 1456832 1 freebsd-ufs (711M) => 40 234441568 ada0 GPT (112G) 40 1024 1 freebsd-boot (512K) 1064 226492416 2 freebsd-ufs (108G) 226493480 7948128 3 freebsd-swap (3.8G) => 63 234441585 diskid/DISK-AA000000000000000956 MBR (112G) 63 1 - free - (512B) 64 234441583 1 freebsd [active] (112G) 234441647 1 - free - (512B) => 0 234441583 diskid/DISK-AA000000000000000956s1 BSD (112G) 0 226492416 1 freebsd-ufs (108G) 226492416 7949166 2 freebsd-swap (3.8G) 234441582 1 - free - (512B)