SquidGuard package webGUI project
I create squidGuard package webGUI project, but i need help with codering.
To september i have rest and can't worked with this projectWhat builded:
- gui.XML files
- 'inc' squidGuard core
- 'inc' squidGuard class
– checking validation input date in GUI
-- creation test config squidGuard file with diagnosticcan't create
-- uploading black list file to pfSense system from user host or urland not created any blocks
if who help to make this project - pls look this archive
(rename *.exe.txt to *.exe and execute in win autounpack archive)To testing this gui not need installation squidGuard - drive part of code not created.
Unpack and place this archive to '/usr/local/pkg'Execute gui from you pfSense:
'*ttp://youSense/pkg_edit.php?xml=squidguard.xml'ps: this first my php project (created with use php_book :) ) Need insert javaScript code to enable - disable controls but i not know java :(