Upgrade 2.5.2 to 2.6.0, upgrade success, Limiters not passing
@blikie yes agree..
it happened to me too -
@stephenw10 i have done some testing..
A fresh install pfsense 2.6 everything works with limiters on floating rules.
But when u have more than 1 LAN interface active, limiters block internet access.
Captive portal may or may not play a role in that as well. -
Same here in my environment. Updated from 2.5.2 to 22.1
I have two networks with limiters on rules for these interfaces.all traffic which should pass these rules are not working until I remove the In / Out pipe limiters.
How exactly do you have the Limiters configured?
I have the same error after upgrade to 2.6.0
All interfaces is UP and green, but no Internet connection at all!
This may be fixed at System/Routing/Gateways -> Save -> Apply, but for only next reboot.
This is looks a really bug. -
I'm using queues (which seems to work) to shape my traffic from internal traffic. Limitiers are used for guest access.
I have two zones for guests and a limiters for in and out bandwith per zone.Limiters using settings for bandwidth limit, tail drop and fifo.
these limiters are used on packet filter rules allowing internet access.
@pooperman If you have multiple gateways make sure the default is set as WAN there.
If it's set as automatic and you have internal gateways that can become the default route which is obviously invalid.
Most people should not have internal gateways there. You would only have that if you have an internal router with other subnets behind it.Steve
@tohil Can we see that limiter config from the config file?
I have one WAN gateway from my provider, but its not default, its uses for only vpn connection. And second gateway is a VPN one, which is marked as default.
It works on 2.5.2, its works on 2.6.0, but only after reapply gateway settings by hand. But for reboot it has no internet at all. -
@pooperman Hmm, interesting. What is the default route after a reboot before you reapply the gateway? Does the VPN come up correctly?
How I can see default route?
VPN come up correctly after reboot. Its receive ip address and marks green on dashboard.
Another thing I noticed is that after rebooting the default gateway has no globe icon. After reapply gateways settings by hand it appears.
Also its possible to restart VPN connection instead of reapply gateways settings. After that internet is also has up. -
It sounds like it might be trying to apply the default route before gateway is valid for some reason.
Have you editing the OpenVPN gateway at all? To set a different monitoring IP for example.
Interesting. It is no default route at all after reboot.@stephenw10
No. I did not edit OpenVPN gateway. -
Try editing and saving the OpenVPN gateway without making any changes. It will create the gateway entry in the config which will mean it's present before it connects. Though the route will still be invalid.
No. There is no effect. Still have not internet connection after reboot. -
@steveits said in upgrade 2.5.2 to 2.6.0, upgrade success, no internet conection:
That should just remove the rule on WAN to block inbound traffic from bogons.
That's also not something I would want anyone else to do. Especially if you were behind a CGNAT...
@pooperman Then I would check the boot and routing log for errors.
You might also check the OpenVPN log since that can often try to set a new default route when it connects.
<dnshaper> <queue> <name>PublicWLANIn</name> <number>1</number> <qlimit></qlimit> <plr></plr> <description></description> <bandwidth> <item> <bw>15</bw> <burst></burst> <bwscale>Mb</bwscale> <bwsched>none</bwsched> </item> </bandwidth> <enabled>on</enabled> <buckets></buckets> <mask>none</mask> <maskbits></maskbits> <maskbitsv6></maskbitsv6> <delay>0</delay> <sched>fifo</sched> <aqm>droptail</aqm> <ecn></ecn> </queue> <queue> <name>PublicWLANOut</name> <number>2</number> <qlimit></qlimit> <plr></plr> <description></description> <bandwidth> <item> <bw>30</bw> <burst></burst> <bwscale>Mb</bwscale> <bwsched>none</bwsched> </item> </bandwidth> <enabled>on</enabled> <buckets></buckets> <mask>none</mask> <maskbits></maskbits> <maskbitsv6></maskbitsv6> <delay>0</delay> <sched>fifo</sched> <aqm>droptail</aqm> <ecn></ecn> </queue> <queue> <name>CHFreeWiFiIn</name> <number>3</number> <qlimit></qlimit> <plr></plr> <description></description> <bandwidth> <item> <bw>5</bw> <burst></burst> <bwscale>Mb</bwscale> <bwsched>none</bwsched> </item> </bandwidth> <enabled>on</enabled> <buckets></buckets> <mask>none</mask> <maskbits></maskbits> <maskbitsv6></maskbitsv6> <delay>0</delay> <sched>wf2q+</sched> <aqm>droptail</aqm> <ecn></ecn> </queue> <queue> <name>CHFreeWiFiOut</name> <number>4</number> <qlimit></qlimit> <plr></plr> <description></description> <bandwidth> <item> <bw>15</bw> <burst></burst> <bwscale>Mb</bwscale> <bwsched>none</bwsched> </item> </bandwidth> <enabled>on</enabled> <buckets></buckets> <mask>none</mask> <maskbits></maskbits> <maskbitsv6></maskbitsv6> <delay>0</delay> <sched>wf2q+</sched> <aqm>droptail</aqm> <ecn></ecn> </queue> </dnshaper>
So all traffic using those Limiter pipes is failing or just the FreeWIFI?