Netgate 4100 circle shows red LED
I have a customer box here with circle lighting up as a steady red.
System seems to not respond to anything, no WebUI and seems unresponsive even on serial.As red square blinking is update, I never saw some other LED turn red before. So any clue what that actually means?
\jens -
That indicates it's in standby mode. Like it has been shutdown in software.
It should power back up with a momentary press on the power button. (the lower button)
Or by simply removing the power and reconnecting it.
@stephenw10 Customer has dropped it with us, so I'll have a look. Would really surprise me if that box was faulty as we haven't seen one in years. Was just wondering as I found nothing on that particular LED setting (red isn't mentioned other than update available with square blinking red).
Perhaps a more detailed LED/color sheet would be helpful in the documentation of the boxes?
Nevertheless thanks Steve, I'll check the box right now if there's something strange going on or just customer layer 8 problem :)
Huh, seems it's not that easy after all. Connecting power to the device all LEDs are lighting up white for a moment (normal) but then the red circle is back. No output on serial, no boot procedure. Very weird...
Yes, we have an open task to update the I/O descriptions for the 4100/6100.
I think that's actually the Orange/Amber LED which is a separate device on that platform. There is also an RGB LED for the other colours.
You can check it on a running unit by enabling the LEDs dircetly, for example:
[22.05-RELEASE][admin@4100.stevew.lan]/dev/led: ls amber1 amber3 blue2 green1 green3 red2 amber2 blue1 blue3 green2 red1 red3 [22.05-RELEASE][admin@4100.stevew.lan]/dev/led: echo 1 > amber3
Hmm, make sure the two buttons 'click' when you press them. If one is jammed it might behave like that.
@stephenw10 said in Netgate 4100 circle shows red LED:
Hmm, make sure the two buttons 'click' when you press them. If one is jammed it might behave like that.
Checked that, both seem fine and "clickable" - the lower power one I can even press with my finger pressed on, the reset one I could touch with a small screwdriver. Both click fine so doesn't seem they are stuck. Also holding power for more than 5s doesn't work, too. No output whatsoever on the screen.
Had another 4100 around and switched power bricks - same thing, so it's not the power brick. Really strange now.
Mmm, that doesn't sound good. Have you opened a support ticket yet? I would do so if not.
@stephenw10 said in Netgate 4100 circle shows red LED:
Mmm, that doesn't sound good. Have you opened a support ticket yet? I would do so if not.
That would be the next stop. Wanted to check here first about the LED status as that was an unknown. Now I've learned that one - so next stop seems support ticket.
Thanks a lot!
\jens -
J jimp moved this topic from Hardware on
What ever happened on this ticket? I, too, have a amber circle that continues to light no matter what I do. Buttons are 'clickable' - removed from power - still flash, then amber circle.
Open a ticket with Netgate TAC: -
@stephenw10 Thank you sir.
I filed a ticket, and it turns out the unit is considered no longer functional.
The troubleshooting confirmation steps were to check with the console for any output on power up. After we determined no output on the serial connection, the unit was considered dead.
Mmm, unfortunately that may be the case if there's no output at all.
If it's out of warranty I would try opening the case and removing the CMOS battery. And any expansion cards/drives you may have installed. You have nothing to lose by trying it.
I have the exact same problem! So weird..
Netgate 4100 Orange/Red light - No ConsoleTo summarize it, I had a local circuit breaker failure which happens to host my Netgate 4100, and my device is stuck in standby mode (orange/redlight) and I have no console output. Followed instructions, 10sec power button push, removing the CMOS battery etc...
I talked to someone who is more knowledgeable on hardware/software programming and he looked at my board and you can see the green mini LED's on the board working and he said that you should at least have console output but the device is stuck in standby mode.
He think the device might be bricked due to a software (bios) issue on the last upgrade.Did you had any luck on getting it working again, or reimbursement from netgate?
@CrKlom pray you are within the terms your hardware warranty :)