WRAP failure to install snapshot
I have a WRAP 2B system that has been running great on 1.2.3-RC1 on a 128meg CF.
I've tried getting a snapshot of the latest nanobsd 2.0-alpha-alpha and it's just not working at all for me.
Using the pfSense-2.0-ALPHA-ALPHA-2g-20090820-0416-nanobsd.img.gz
Watching the console boot, this is all it does.
PC Engines WRAP.2B/2C v1.11
640 KB Base Memory
130048 KB Extended Memory01F0 Master 044A CF2GHS
Phys C/H/S 3949/16/63 Log C/H/S 987/64/631 FreeBSD
2 FreeBSDBoot: 1 ###
and then just a bunch of hashmarks forever. I let it go for an hour, and still only hashmarks.
Any ideas?
nanobsd doesn't work on WRAP right now.
Hrm.. same thing on ALIX.. am I correct in assuming that it doesn't work on ALiX boards either?
It works fine on ALIX. Just update your BIOS to the latest available (0.99h, I believe) and ensure your BIOS is set for CHS mode.
the same problem, after upgrading BIOS 0.99h and CHS it works well.