Routing from BGP Network out through NAT
Currently running a Nested NSX-T instance connecting BGP to pfSense. All of my networks that are not using BGP route out through the pfSense NAT with no problems. Routing from the BGP networks to the other networks work with no issues.
When attempting to exit through the NAT from the BGP networks though the traffic stops at the pfSense interface. I saw traffic being blocked from the esx hosts by the default rule and created a rule and no longer see any blocked traffic for the esx hosts but the traffic still stops at the pfSense interface. I'm not sure where to look for better insight or if there is a known solution to get the BGP networks to route out of the pfSense through the WAN interface. -
@computingdon Are the source networks of the downstream routes matched in Firewall > NAT, Outbound so they get outbound NAT treatment?
@derelict Yes, the traffic reaches a .251.x network that is on the firewall and that is on the outbound NAT list.
@computingdon Then it will get outbound NAT.
@derelict And it isn't though. The traffic stops at the pfSense interface and doesn't leave.
@computingdon You'll need to post details. The source address of the connection, the route back to it, the firewall rules passing that traffic when it enters pfSense, and the outbound NAT rules.