Wan Gateway Dhcp to static IP unvailable
Hello Community,
I have a question about wan interface currently in dhcp mode, I would like to change for static ip but the field is gray (filled by the word dynamic) and I cannot change anything
how I can change it for static, maybe I must before disable or desactive it or switching to another gateway, it's currently the default gatewayregards
2PV -
In Interfaces / WAN, change IPv4/IPv6 Configuration Type from DHCP to Static IPv4/IPv6
Hello mvikman
and sorry my english is poor and not fluentThank you for your reply, and sorry I know this.
And I am sorry I just realize, that I have forgotten a major information, my connection is not a IP connection my routeur works on bridge mode, full passtrought. it's working like "modem" and support ftth connection and it's all, the credetial ppoe are configured on pfsense.complementary question I have a complementary ip network block foryour ppoe connection but I have forgot where I must add the range for join it to the ppoe connection on virtuals ip locate on
It doesn't matter if the router is running in bridge mode. If the WAN interface is set for automatic IP configuration (DHCP, PPPoE) the gateway is set automatically as well.But you can add an additional in System > Routing > Gateways and then select it as default gateway.
Additional IPs have to be added in Firewall > virtual IPs. Use type "IP alias" or maybe "Proxy ARP". You will have to add each single IP there.
However, if the subnet is routed to your primary WAN IP, you don't need this if you only want to forward them behind pfSense. In this case you can just add port forwarding or NAT 1:1 rules using the public IPs as destination.