Can't access the WebGUI or Serial (Netgate 1100)
@stephenw10 Ah ok gotcha. Yeah, I've attempted to reset the device by powering it up while holding the reset button but it appears to have continued. This time it's a Solid green light for both the power and the latest version but there's still no console option. I've tried this on a 3rd computer now, still no luck.
I can't access while connected to the LAN or WAN ports via ethernet and there's still not even the option of a COM port happening. I'm fairly sure that if I could get a COM port to show up and I could connect to it, that I could figure it out from there. Do you have any ideas why it's not working?
We did see some USB cables that were physically not long enough to connect to the port. We had to source some that were specifically the standard length plug as laid out in the specs. Those are supplied with it.
Do you have any idea how it was configured when you last used it? It may not be using any longer. Have you tried the OPT port?
@stephenw10 I hate to Necro a post that's a few months old but I finally got around to testing it again and, while I still can't get any COM port showing up while connected via USB-C, I am able to get a COM Post showing up via a console cable (USB to Ethernet) which presents an available COM port regardless of what I plug it into on the Netgear device. The issue is that nothing shows up no matter what I do. Even when i restart it no logo shows up or anything. I've followed the console settings for Putty to the letter. Any possible solutions you can think of?
Do you mean USB to RJ-45? USB to Ethernet would not show as a serial device.
The RJ-45 ports on the 1100 are all Ethernet though. You can only connect to the console using the USB-micro socket.
@stephenw10 I believe it's called a console cable, the connector on one end is a USB and the other end is an Ethernet clip like an RJ-45
It looks identical to this: -
Yes that's a USB to serial cable just terminated in an RJ-45. That can't be used with the 1100.
@stephenw10 Crap, back to square one then. Can you link a cable that would 100% work? According to the documentation here (Netgate documentation) it needs a:
USB Micro-B (5-pin) connector on one end and a regular USB Type A plug on the other end
I'm fairly sure that I've been using a USB-C so that might be why it's not working. Would this (Amazon link) cable 100% work?
Yes almost any USB to USB micro cable should work. So most phone charging cables for any Android phone (before USB-C).
The exceptions are some very cheap cables only carry power and not data so won't work.
Some cables have a plug on the USB-micro end that isn't physically long enough to fully connect. -
ridiculous that warned against when commenting on old post, when this is the top result for this issue. ok, rant over. important to know that the fitment of the supplied micro usb cable to the appliance port is just sloppy. brand new device out of the box with the supplied usb cord.. have to gingerly place the box and cable just right to get connection. got clued in to this by turning volume way up to hear the occasional device connection sound.
Hmm, that shouldn't be the case. Was it one of the very early 1100s maybe? I think we changed the supplied cable to one with a longer exposed plug at one point. Many micro-usb cables don't actually meet the spec on that, unfortunately. So if you use a different cable it should work but ymmv!