Notification: UPS ups battery is low
I receive the notification "UPS ups battery is low" and I don't understand why.
I changed the battery without success.
I changed UPS (EATON ELLIPSE PRO 850) to a more powerful one without success.Do you have an idea ? Sorry I'm newbie Thanks.
My UPS status:
Summary status = On line Runtime (H:M:S) = 0:36:47 UPS Load = 13% Battery charge = 100% Input voltage = 225.0 Input frequency =50.0
My UPS details:
battery.charge = 100 battery.charge.low = 20 battery.runtime = 2207 battery.runtime.low = 1200 battery.runtime.warn = 1800 battery.type = PbAc device.mfr = EATON device.mode = Ellipse PRO 850 device.serial = G357P05206 device.type = ups driver.debug = 0 driver.flag.allow_killpower = 0 driver.flag.ignorelb = enabled = usbhid-ups driver.parameter.override.battery.runtime.low = 1200 driver.parameter.override.battery.runtime.warn = 1800 = 600 driver.parameter.pollfreq = 30 driver.parameter.pollinterval = 2 driver.parameter.port = auto driver.parameter.synchronous = auto driver.state = updateinfo driver.version = = MGE HID 1.46 driver.version.internal = 0.52 driver.version.usb = libusb-1.0.0 (API: 0x1000102) input.frequency = 50.0 input.transfer.high = 285 input.transfer.low = 165 input.voltage = 225.0 input.voltage.extended = no outlet.1.desc = PowerShare Outlet 1 = 2 outlet.1.status = on outlet.1.switchable = no outlet.2.desc = PowerShare Outlet 2 = 3 outlet.2.status = on outlet.2.switchable = no outlet.desc = Main Outlet = 1 outlet.switchable = no output.frequency = 50.0 output.frequency.nominal = 50 output.voltage = 227.0 output.voltage.nominal = 230 ups.beeper.status = enabled ups.delay.shutdown = 600 ups.delay.start = 30 ups.firmware = 01.18.0022 ups.load = 13 ups.mfr = EATON ups.model = Ellipse PRO 850 ups.power = 98 ups.power.nominal = 850 ups.productid = ffff ups.realpower = 73 ups.serial = G357P05206 ups.status = OL ups.timer.shutdown = -1 ups.timer.start = -1 ups.vendorid = 0463
My UPS Extra Arguments to driver
ignorelb override.battery.runtime.warn = 1800 override.battery.runtime.low = 1200 = 600
With the EATON ELLIPSE PRO 850, I have less notification.
The UPS powers a Synoloy NAS and a PC (I7)My UPS load graphic:
🔒 Log in to viewMy UPS time left graphic:
🔒 Log in to view -
Nobody have an idea ?
@fjmp24 said in Notification: UPS ups battery is low:
I receive the notification "UPS ups battery is low" and I don't understand why.
I changed the battery without success.
I changed UPS (EATON ELLIPSE PRO 850) to a more powerful one without success.You indicated that you have 3 systems powered by the UPS, however your post does not include the notification that you are referring to, nor any information about the circumstance when the notification occurs or which system it originates from.
Btw, unless you are trying to address a very specific problem, you should not have the items in the "Extra Arguments to driver" section. Specifically, setting "ignorelb" and specifying runtimes is almost always a mistake, although a commonly made one. Likely the only one that should be there is the shutdown delay, but that only if you need more than 20 seconds to completely a shutdown on one of the systems. My expectation is that would probably only apply if you are running the Synology as a remote client to pfSense.
This post is deleted! -
@dennypage Thanks I deleted override.battery.runtime.low and override.battery.runtime.warn and I don't receive notifications anymore. But I have another questions.
- When I cut power to my NUT, pfsense sends a shutdown when my NUT have :
- runtime is equal to 0:01:41
- battery charge is equal to 19%
Why doesn't it send the message when runtime is equal to 0:05:00 ? I set = 300
- Once my devices have been shutdown, the NUT runs for about 1 minute and displays the runtime. Then it doesn't display runtime and works about 0:02:49. I don't understand how it works.An idea ?
Below my configuration:
battery.charge 9 battery.charge.low 20 battery.runtime 355 battery.type PbAc device.mfr EATON device.model Ellipse PRO 650 device.serial P354L18GBN device.type ups driver.debug 0 driver.flag.allow_killpower 0 driver.flag.ignorelb enabled usbhid-ups 300 driver.parameter.pollfreq 30 driver.parameter.pollinterval 2 driver.parameter.port auto driver.parameter.synchronous auto driver.state quiet driver.version MGE HID 1.46 driver.version.internal 0.52 driver.version.usb libusb-1.0.0 (API: 0x1000102) input.frequency 50.0 input.transfer.high 285 input.transfer.low 165 input.voltage 225.0 input.voltage.extended no outlet.1.desc PowerShare Outlet 1 2 outlet.1.status on outlet.1.switchable no outlet.2.desc PowerShare Outlet 2 3 outlet.2.status on outlet.2.switchable no outlet.desc Main Outlet 1 outlet.switchable no output.frequency 50.0 output.frequency.nominal 50 output.voltage 227.0 output.voltage.nominal 230 ups.beeper.status enabled ups.delay.shutdown 300 ups.delay.start 30 ups.firmware 01.16.0020 ups.load 7 ups.mfr EATON ups.model Ellipse PRO 650 ups.power 49 ups.power.nominal 650 ups.productid ffff ups.realpower 18 ups.serial P354L18GBN ups.status OL LB ups.timer.shutdown -1 ups.timer.start -1 ups.vendorid 0463
Thank you for your help and sorry for my newbie's questions.
@fjmp24 said in Notification: UPS ups battery is low:
- runtime is equal to 0:01:41
- battery charge is equal to 19%
Why doesn't it send the message when runtime is equal to 0:05:00 ? I set = 300
NUT initiates a shutdown when the UPS declares that the battery is low (LB). The decision regarding a low battery is made by the UPS itself. Some UPSs have configurable LB levels, and some have fixed LB levels. If your UPS has a configurable LB level, this is configured by the
variable. 20% is a common default.When performing a shutdown, one of the last steps is for the OS (pfSense) to instruction the UPS to cut the power. After receiving that command, the UPS waits a short period of time before it actually turns off the power. The purpose of this delay is to allow the OS to complete its shutdown before power is cut. Some UPSs have configurable delays, and some have fixed delays. If your UPS has a configurable delay, this is configured by the
variable. 20 seconds is a common default. -
S stephenw10 moved this topic from pfSense Packages on Apr 2, 2024, 6:40 PM
@dennypage Thank you for your help