Understanding Local DNS
hey guy, trying to get local dns working.
i am able to get the right services with DNS Host overrides for the following:
cisco1.lan, cisco2.lan, and cisco3.lan
truenas2.lanbut how do i get say radarr and sonarr to work that needs an ip and a port on the same Unraid server? I tried nginx but I can't get it to work.
want radarr.lan to point to (unraid)
also sonarr.lan to point to (unraid)on nginx:
any ideas? banging my head off the desk.
ok i figured it out..
i had to switch the ports on the Unraid management under >settings>Managementaccess to something other than 80 and 443. I then forwarded port 80 and 443 from the WAN to NGINX (Unraid IP).
had to then set DNS resolver host overrides in PFsense for each name i wanted ie. radarr.lan, duplicacy.lan, nginx.lan, etc. Then point those to Unraid's IP for NGINX to pick them up.
In Nginx i just had to setup hosts for each one i wanted. For the dockers running in Unraid, i just put the, which is the Unraid IP. If they weren't Unraid dockers, i would put the IP of the machine they were running on.
hope this may help someone in the future.