Edit file manually
basically the snapshot server is down and so many patches been applied but cant use them coz no snapshots so i though of editing the files manually using the edit file option but that too has a bug which seems fixed now but again the snapshots being an issue so can any1 guide me how to edit any of the php files using serial console or other means so i can first manually patch the edit file bug then later patch the other stuff?
There are updates available on both the snapshot server (which is up) http://snapshots.pfsense.org and the mirror http://files.chi.pfsense.org/snapshots/ built today.
You cannot just edit files, and it's not safe to sync just the source, you need the full snapshot updates.
Well, but no new embedded builds :-(
I need one for 4G cf. -
and i need a nanobsd update for 1G
The builds may not be going full-swing yet since that system was having hardware issues. Just be patient and eventually they will turn up.
It looks like an uncompressed 1GB image was uploaded earlier today but I'm not sure I'd trust it.
Now the server is up for two days again but today still no new build for embedded? Why is that? I really would love to test a new build to see if the bugs are fixed.
Hmmm. Now suddenly there is a 4G build from today? Weird. Will try it out right now ;-)
Hmmm. Now suddenly there is a 4G build from today? Weird. Will try it out right now ;-)
let me know if they work
Apparently there was a commit that was supposed to make the image datestamps better match the kernel timestamps but it didn't quite work right. It was uploading uncompressed images all with the same name. So it was there, but each run was overwriting the previous so it was easy to miss the fact that there was a new image. Check the commit log for the tools repo, that commit was backed out last night and so the images are back to normal (for now)
Hmmm. Now suddenly there is a 4G build from today? Weird. Will try it out right now ;-)
let me know if they work
This build seems to work. At least it didn't break anything I use ;-)